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An Alphabetical ?'able. Sundry effeasofruftijyingfaith par, ca.4. pag. 42. 1.pag.196.197. The benefits and fruits of this faith be found, comfortable and enduring, par. I. ca. 1o. pag. 1; 4. Faith is a cauCe oncly inttru- mentall,and that is attributed to it which theprincipali taufe wore keth. pag. 13s. K. r(ingdakme of God. Many bee of the Kingdom of Godin profcflion, which be not fo in lileetion, par. I. ca. 4. pag. 52.53. 1Cnswledge. Knowledge is twofold,Of reafon Of revelation,, pag, 15. par. z. ca. z.pag.z 13. Faith put for,Chriflian Know.. ledge. par. ;. Things necefiary to be knowne cannot be apprehended without faith, pag. z. It is impotlible for aman to be- lieve that whereof he hash no knowledge, pag. Io. Juffitying faith prefuppofeth the knozvlerlgeofGod and Chrifl, of the precepts and the protnifes of the Gofpell, par. s. ca. 3. pag. Iç. Knowledge concurrs to the being of faith, pag. 16. The knowledgeof faithmufl be di thud, found,andccrtaine,pag. 17. Knowledgeput for faith, pag. 1(nomltdge is the ground ofcan-. fidence,and to put for confidence. par. i .ca. o.pag.1 3 o Faith includes the compleate & pradicall knowledge of good and evill, par. z. ca. 9pag. 380. Theknowledge of that which is not revealed faith utterly repels. pag. 17 Faith is the caufe of more am- ple knowledge. ibid.& cap.lo.pag. 133. Wee know not many things which we should, nothing aswee fhould,yag. )41. Words of knowledge doe toge. ther by cónnotation imply a$cCto- on pag. 139. Appetite follovves knowledge. par. a. ca. z. pag. 214. Thofe who know God bell, trufl him bell. pag,14s. Faith feeketh acquaintance with God, and the knowledge of his will in JcfusChrifl,par.2.cap 10. pag. 405. L. Law. The Lam is the rule of obedi- ence, according to which people in covenant ought to vvalke.par 1. ca. 8. pag. 113. Spiritual/ Life. No#irituall life inus before the infution of grace, par. Lea. 2. pag. t. Lifeis primarily and properly by Chrifl, fecondarily by faith, par. z. ca. r.pag. 194. 195. Faith is the life of our foules, the Wordthe life of faith. pag. 1913. The