at ra 'i?lphabeticalT'able, The life ofgraceis the begin- pag.; 532215,256,263,26 4,266 pingof the life ofglory, they arc 267. one in fubítance, differ onely in Faith in the promifes of ever- dégrees,par.s,ca:4,p3. 249, 253. lafi`inglife will moderate delres 25322162 of the thingsof this life, will not diftruft the Lord for fupply of them, pag. 251,270, 271. Eternal life. Faith in the promifes of life earneftly Mires and longs after God hath made promife of life the full poffeffion of it: pag, everlafling tobe conferred upon 256. them that believe, par. 2, cat 4 Meanes to nineup faith in be- pa. 348, 249. lieving the promifes of life, pag. Thepromife oflife is certpine, 26x, 262, 263, &c. Pag 267. Chriff bath purchafed life ever living byfaith. fatting for us, pag. 249. Eternall life isgiven of grace for Inwhat fenfe we are Paid to Chrift embraced or refled upon live by faith, par. z, ca. 1, pa. 194. by faith, par. 1, cap. 6. pag. 195. &C. 75 What itis tolivebyfaith, pag. When firltvve believe then are l 197, Toßt8, byfaith neeeflary, pag. wee intituled to eternal! ife, pa., 250. 1932 594. Life eternal! is thenbegun in us Two things to be done that whenwe believe, pag. 249, 253. &c mightlive by faitb, pag. 298, 368. Eternall life already begun in Man eth bfai lene everybeliever weake and ftrong: though it not par. par. t,ca to. pa. 46. up t , pag. /96, & cap, i P o Hvcrlafting life is freely offe- z1I. red, but men arenot left at liber. AChriflian is to live by faith ty whether they will receive and all the dayes ofhis life. pag. s23. feeke it or no, par. 2,cap, 4, pa. 224. 32 5. Thele offaith is molt excel- 267. It is neceffary wee (hould live lentand comfortable , p.42 5. byfaith touching thepromifes of ofThe feenval and precioaufneeffee man life,pa. 251, 252. Eternalilife is the onely true carefull7to live byit, par. 2.cap,a. life,pa. 268., P g The ats of faith concerning The lift which the faithful! live the promifes of everlafîing life. byfaith in Chrift isóeverlafting, pa.252,253, &c. P pag. 276. faithwe feeke evidence, get Meanes to flirreup our (*elves elv es affurahee,and labour the poflef- to live by faith, pag. fion of life more and more. 104. &c, H h how