AsAlphabet ic,s>rt TAble, . Howwe are to Woe bytairb in particular touching the promtfes ofpardon and forgivenefe, par.z, ca. s, ofSantkifscation,ca.3, Ofe- verlafting life, ca4, ofper feve- rance,c.5, in temptations,c.o, in times of adverfity, ca. y, Touch- ing the promifes of earthly blef- fings,ca.8,Thecommandements, ca.9, The workes ofour calling, ca. to, Gods Ordinances, ca.! 1, and threacnings, ca. s z. The life offaith (hall end in joy and comfort, par.z, cars, pag. 4,ó,4t7. Hee that liveth by faith, íh ill altodie in faith, pa,4 Love of God. God is love it felfe, and from love proceedeth every courfe bee paffeth uponus,aswell that ofad. verftie, as the otherof profperity, par. z,ca.7,pa 315. Howhis love Both fpecially ap- pearc in correflingus ibid. The love which 'God beareth unto his people is an everlafling love, par.,., ca. 4,pa, a7z, Love. Faith governeth charity, par. r, ca.4, pag 4 t. Charity is obedient to faith, ibid. The of of lovebath nopriori- ty to. beliefe, but followes after I ir, and is quickened by it, pag. 40. Love is a gracewithout the be- ing of faith, though conjoyned unto it s faith is effettuall by love, as a primary mean, whereby it doch produce other effects, not as by it beginning, pig. 4 t, gt 44,45. How faith doth beget love, and the afIs of charity are faid to be done of faith, pig. 4 5. 46.. It inciteth to the vvorke, ani- mateth the ad, and enlargethtiae affeftions to the feverall branches oflove, pa.4I,46. It is not pc:dale for a man truly to know and embrace the chiefefl good, and yet to with- holdaffefijon from the loveofit, pa,46. Perfeff faith breedeth perfeft love, and the leafI degree of faith, tome degree oflove,pa. 5.o, par, I,, pa.13 3.. Faith fires the heart with an indefatigable and unquench- ablelove, that in compartfon of obedience it contemneth the whole world, par.a, capi9, pag. 38cß. LOve or charitie cannot ac- cept of, or obtaine the promi- fes ofmercy, par.!, cap.4i pag. 39. Being now in friendfhp with Chrift, our love may give us en- couragement and comfort to make de to ourfelves ofthat that is his,ibid. The aft of love is done by glue or pafling from him that lo- veth to the thing that is loved, ibid. To love is more.thento believe, becaufe it neceflarily includes be-- liefe, pa.4z. Love exalts faith,, if wee refpea latitude of ufe r ánd length