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An AlphabeticalTable, oftime or continuance: But till faith have finifhed our falvation, love muff yeeld to faith, pag.42, 43. M. Mate & Drinke. FrrRee ufe of the creatures is re ftord by Chrift to the adop- ted Connes ofGod, par. z, ca. 4. pa.z58.&ca.8,pag.363. Bread nourifheth, when it is Gods handor meanes toconferre ftrength, but the blef[ing is not in the creature, it comes from above, par. z, cap. s, pag 36o, 364. How to live by faith in the ufe of Meanand Drinl e, pag. 163, 164,&c. Meditation. To confider whom wee truft, and to meditate on hisfaithfull.. neffe, mercy, and power, is a fpe- ciall meanes for the right plan- tation of faith ; and a good encouragement to live by faith, par. z, cap. I) pag. 207, 208. pa. I, cap. ax, page. 154, 155. It is very needful[ againe and againe to confider what excel- lent things are promifed, and taire the heart to an high pri- zingand valuation ofthem, pag. 155- Meditation of the benefit of pardon of finne a means to pre- fervedeire ofpardon, par.2,ca. z, pa.x 15. Meditation of Gods fingular goodneffe towardsus, conftraines us to the praâifeofhe ineffe,par. a, ca 4, pa.a6 t. Faith caufeth ferious and at- tentive meditation upon theWord ofGod, that it may fluke deepe, and abide firme in the heart, par. z, ca.9, pa.381. The good things of this life have great force to lift up the believing foule to communewith the Lord. par.a, cap.8, pag.361. 364. Profperity is the fitteft fea- fon for heavenly contemplation, ibid. Meeknef . Faith merkeneth the heart wil. lingly to fubmit it felfe to the good pleafure of God, and pati- ently to beare his correilion, par. 2, ca.7a pa. 321,322. ca. 3, pag. 243. By what confiderations faith perfwadet to meekeneffe under Godshand,pa.322,3z3,324,3z5 3y6. Merit. Pardon is not promifed for any merit in us, par. a, cap. 3, pag. 210. The wife Merchant felleth all that hee hath, not thatwee can therebymerit pardon, but that fo wee may bee capable ofpardon, pa. zr6. See Worker. Miraculousfaith' OfMiraculousfaith,par. r,ca. r, pa- 3- Faith Miraculous, altive and Hhs paflive.