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An Alphabeticafl7able, paflive, ibid. Faith Miraculous and ordinary, not diverfe graces, but the fame grace exercifed about diverfe ob je &s, pag3,4 & cap4,pag48, 49. Faith Miraculous is a gift of the Spirit, par. z, cap. 4, pag. 47. and confidence in the ex- traordinarie promifes of God, ibid. N. Neceffitie. "TIWo kinds ofnece,ffitie, ca, r, pa. z. par. e, Negligence. Negligence in performing holy duties, an effe& of unbefiefe, par. z, ea.e, pa.zo S. O. Obedience. 'Vile Lord calls for willing chearefull, univerfall, anfái- ned,conftant obedience,par.z,ea.g, pa.36S. Vpright, unfained obedience is impeded. part. r, cap. 8, pag. 113, par. z, cap. 9, pag. 369. The obedience of the faithful' is weakeand impeded., butplea_ fing and acceptable unto God, pa. 369, 370. The faithful' Cottle may find it felfe more prone to fome one finne then to another; and more dull to Come good duties then other, ibid. & par.z, cap.6, pag, 78 The believerknowes himfelfe bound to the obedience of the Gofpell though he bee freed from the damnation of the law, par, x, ca.S: pa.z78. The obedience which faith pro- duceth, is intire in the branches ofobedience, par. r, cap. S, pag. 63. Vniforme andconflant, pag. 69,70. Faith in the promifes carieth a man forward in obedience to the way ofthe promifes, par. z, ca. a, pa,tor. According to our flrength of faith, the lively fruits of holy obedience fhall bce found in us, part. r, cap. z t, pag. 16o.. Aíliitrance of forgiveneffe can- not bee g>teater then care of obedience, par. z, cap, 9, pag. 37r. The better any man laboureth in faith, the more diligent hec is in the fervice ofGod, andworker of ngercie, par. z, cap, ro. pag. 390. Ordinary failing in the pra- dice of holy duties ,' and due ordering of, our aff:êtions, can- not be without aprecedenteffea offaith, which onely can firmely unite us untoChrift, par.i,ca. z i, pa.r59- Partiall obedience , an effea ofunbelief; par, z, cap, z, pag. 20 5. Chriftians are allowed to be- lieve, that G on will enable them to walke in obedience, pare z, ca. 9, pa. 374. Forthis God: lath promifed in covenant, ibid. to this end the Spirit of grace is