An Alphabeticall Table. is given. ibid. The Saints have begged it in prayer. 37 f . and M aifurance of divine afaiftance have bound themfelves by cove- nant to keep the righteous fudge. ments ofthe Lord.ibid. The aels of faith touchingobe- dien ce tequired.par.z,cap. 9. pag. 376.37 7.&C. Meanes ro quicken our felves to the chearefull praéticeof chofe duties, whereunto wee find our (elms dull and fluggifh pag.383. 384.8íc. Ordinancer.See Word & Sacrament:. p .Chriliars Parents. THe Children of believing pa- s rents by natural) goner. tion are defiled with finne, but they areholy bycovenant and free ac- ceptation. par, z. cap. 11. pag. 408 . The children of Chriflian Pa- rents they are within the Cove- nant for theirparents faith.par. I. ca. I0.pag. 140 The faithof theparents doth ap- prehend the promifeof the cove. nant for himfelfe and for his feed pag4o8 l cis an high and incompreben- fible mercy,that God is pleafcd to bee the God of the faithful) and their feed. pag: 400. cbriflianparents are greatly to reioycc in this,that God in tender compaffion is pleafed thus toad- vance and honour themand their pofterity.ibfd. Hee thatwould give his child untoGod mull givehimfelfe first. pag408. Gods promife to accept our children, calleth for prayer and fuppliaationon ourpart , that he would be pleafed to make good his merciful) and free promife. ib- Thisrich mercyof God should ítirre vpparents to be careful)and diligent to bring vptheir children in information and feare of the Lord.pag. 4.1o. Paffions. Vntamed !Vans which caufe unquictneffe in affe&ion are cor- rc ted byfaith, par.z. cap, 7.,pag. 3 22.. Pa/lions arenotfobridled as not toMae and refill the worke of faith, but that they Mall not rafgne.par, z. cap.g.pag.3 77, Patience. Faith acknowledging Gods hand, in affli&ions teachethpate ently to beare his correction. par. z,cap.7.pag.3 20.3 25.3 22.3z3 .& cap. lopag.j94. Without confidence in God there can beno filent and quiet carnation offáluation in times of afñl &ion. par. z. cap, 7. pag. 316. The rewardof the patient fuf_ fering of the Martyrs was both renowne here, and that farremofl excellentweight ofglory hereaf- ter.pag.3s6.327. Peace. Peace withGod,and stable tran- quilitie or calnienefíe of mind, Hh3 a