.4n Alphabeticall?'able. a prerogative accompanying aííù- Meanee to ftirre up our (elves to ranee offaith in the promife.par, believe the promifes ofperfeve- z.ca:s.pa: 229. rance.pag:287,288. That peace may bee preferved , faith mufi be renewed daily pag. $23.224, Prayer, Peace ofConfcience,Ioy in the HolyGhoft,and San&tification of Pantings and breathings after the Spirit here, arebeginnings of the confolarions of the Lord are gloryhereafter.pag: 25. z56. As undoubted tokens of the new rhefc increafe , the poileffion of birth par. Leap: i a,pag, 569, glory increafeth. ibid . & pag Prayer is an aft of the Spirit, 268. and the Spirit is obtained by Faith in the promife of perfe- prayer par: 5.cap.2.pag :8. veranee neceffary to found and Faith is the mother of Prayer full peace par. z, ca:5.pa, 279, and prayer ameans ofthe incteaf offai ch. pag: r; Prayer is nothing elfe but the Perfeverance, flreame or river of faith. par. t. ca.8,pa: 105. Godhath made many promi- Faith comes to Chrift as an fes ofpertveranee. par. z.ca.5 :pa. humble penitent petitioner par.i, z71,z 7z. &c. ca. t o.pa: t ;6. It is neceffary that the faith- Faith obta:neth as a pore pe- full fhould ferioully learne and titioner what the Lord promifeth think upon thefe promifes, that . in fpeciall favour, par- z.ca. 3. pa. they might be fetled in believing 247. their perfeverance.pag: 277, 278, Faith flirreth up to pray with- 279. out diflruflfull, frui:lefle, excel- The godly are allowed to be- five care. par. 2, cap. 8. pag. lieve their perfeverance. pag:28o, 3 58. 281. What we are taught to begge The ails of faith concerning in práyer,that we are allowed to perfeverance. pag: ¡Si, 283, 184, believe we (hall obtaine of free &c. grace. par: z.ca.3.pag, 239, & cap. Faith givethaffurance ofperfe. 5.pa: 28 1. verance,as it doth of the pardon The firmer ourfaith,the better offinne.pa :2,86. fucceffe doe we find inprayer. par. Affurance ofnot falling away -Lea: io.pa:a49. can openno gap to licentioufnes The wicked crie and call in orfecurityinfinne. part z. cap. 5. fearebut not in faith.par: t. ca.4. pag: 27 8. pa: 5; . Faith for a time may fall a One branchof living by faith fleepe, but it will awake and re- isprayer.par.2.ca.i.pa,so1.And new it indeavours with more Prayer is a meanes to ftirreup to Ilife and vigour. pag: 278. 284. & live by faith.pa. zo8,a09. `cap: 6, pag:=95.299 What is to beeprayed for,that wee