An AtphabeticallTable. we may live byfaith.ibid. Faith feeking pardon of fin:ne flirres up to prayer for pardon through the mediation of Chrift par:z, :117.133. The promifes of pardon to him that prayetb, pa:1 t 7.2i 8. He maypray in faith that wants affuranceofpardon ibid. it is lawfnll in force regard to cravepardon, when it is already granted, and believed fo to bee Confidence and prayer God Pith ioyned together,pa: t 03. We muff pray both for faith that we may believepardon, and the fight of our faith, that wee mayknow we believe it. par: a. ca:; pa: z35.236. By faith the children ofGod, feeing in God whatfoever they need or defzre,vviil never Celle to feeke reliefe by prayer.par:z, ca:4. pa:z60. We muftprayinflantly for fan. E'tifying grace. par: a. ca: 3. pag. 239. Which is a meanos to quta ken us to believe the promife of Sanaification,pa:247. Faith in the promife ofperfe- veranee caufeth to pray inftantly that God would uphold us, and make us fee that he will uphold us. par: 2. cap: S. pag. 283. 189 Igo. Faith as an humble petitioner receiveth the promife of life, and gives affurance of what is recei- ved as it prayetb,par ,,a. ca: 4. par, ZÇP. 69.170, In temptation we muff pray par, 1. cap. y , pag: ;®í, ;06., 3 ton Faith vvrappethall griefes and cares togethar,and powreta them forth before the Lord. par: a. ca: r; 5,399. In afiiieti©ns faith will neither fret or murniúrc , nor yet grow fecure , but thats up to feeke unto God byprayer both for the benefit and fruit ofrcfiraint , and for the comfortof freedome and delive rance.par: z, cat 7. pa. 328, 3 29. 33 9,349,343,3 44, 346. Faith prayetb as earneffly for the fan&ification of profperity, and Gods bleffing upon the meanes,asfor the meanes them- felves ifthey were wanting, par,pa:368,364. Faith Ihrreth up earnefl , con fiant and hearty prayer to bee taught in, the Law. par: z. ea. 9, pa:3 8 t. It quickeneth the mote skil- full workman to firivewith God in prayer,that thework hefetteth uponmay fumed well and prof- The faithfuls have promifcd themfelves helpe in diftreffe, and confidently begged aid, becaufe they trufted in the Lord.para. ca, 7.pä:319,320. Prefumptiou. It isnotprefumption,but true o- bedience to believe whatfoever God kath promifed. par: a,. ca:3. pag, :z.pag:33 t.134. & ca. 6.293. Pride. Pride the daughterofcorrupti- on,not of filialiconfidence.par:t. cap.8.paa t z. H h4 Promifes