AnAlphabetical' ?aile. lromifes. Bypromi(isunderhand al thole declarations ofGods vvitl,where- inhe fignilles in the Gofpell what good hewill freely beliow.par.z, èap.a pa:zo9. Promifes Come fpeciall and fin- gular, others generall and corn. mon par: (,cap. 3. Direct & by confequent, par: z, cap: r. pa: 199,zoo. The generali andcommonpro. mifes concerning life and falvati. on,more excellent then the fpeci- all and ftngular promifes concer- ning working of miracles, pa :4. Promifès are either fpiritual! or temporall.par: z. cap. a, pa: 209. Concerningthis life or the life to come.ibid. Of things limply neceffary to falvation, or of things good in themfelves, but nor alwaies good for as, e. pa: 61, 6a, 63, par: z.caa pa: 2o9,210, Whatfavour God hath Chewed vnto any of his children according topromife &covenant ofgrace,the Came may all that be in covenant with him expeht & looke for.par.,a o.o ca: . pa: 333 All the faithful! as faithful!, be partners in the fame priviledges and promifes , and live by the fame taith.par:,pa: 239. What promifer foever concer- ning life and happines were made. to the Apoftles, the fame were made to all believers and confir- med & Pealed unto them after the .fame manner. pa.a 257. What one. believed upon com- mon &ordinarygrounds, that is the priviledge of all believers, vvlaich they are allowed to receive cap5,pa.zai, Thepaaetife of thegodly,who have lived by faith in time of troublc,is both a token of our pri- viledge,and apatterne ofour duty. 3 iS. Whenfoever we find thatany of Gods peoplehave prayed for any good thing & have been heard, if it were not by fpeciall preroati e peculiar to thcm,we may take it as apromife to us.par:, ,199 Astorextraordinary favours or deliverances granted unto forne perf©ns by fpeciall priviledge, we cannotpromife our felves the fame in particular from their example: but as fuckpeculiar mercies imply a common ground or reafon,they areunto us argumentsofc6fort & encouragement.par,z ca: 1.p; zoo. Theword ofpromife doth not only containe ttuth,but offergood unto us.par : Leap: ao,pa:137 To helpe our weaknes the Lord geeth over one & the fame thing againe & againe.par: c,8,p: 130 Thepromifes are not only made to them that believe alreadie, but are freely cffcred as grounds and foundations that wee might be- :212, 219. 23!. Promifes both temporali &fpiri- tirall are received by faith,as they are promifed of God either with or without limitation par: z. c: s. pa: Z lo. All the promifes ofGod be Cure in themfelves,certaine to the Be- l-iever.par e,pa:6z. The ferrous meditation of Gods free,gratious and faithfull promi- fès reiterated againe andagaine,ïs availeable to flrengthen faith par: When wewit the fenceofGods love,wemuff believehis wórd & pro,.