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...=1111100.1,11....... An Alphabetical) Table. Chtift to receive mercy and for- fumes is to be prayed for. pag, giyenefle, pag.23z, 231, 234. & 102. par. :Igo.t91. What is to be done in Peeking Thepromiteofrernifon of fins forgiveneffe par: z. ea: a: pa:al 5, is condttionall, and becomes not 216.217. abfolute untill the condition be Why men negle& to recite the fulfilled, either atilually,or in de- pardon of their fin: pag: z 15, fire and preparation of mind,par. The alts of faith concerning 86, the promife of pardon. pag: We cannot hope to have our s14,ä15. fins forgiven ifwee bee not made Faith doth obtaine,receiveand one with Chrift by faith: pa: 1.c. affure of pardon in particular. pa. 7,pa: 81. t t 8. Mercy and forgiveneffe is free- Faith affureth of pardon by a ly promifed that we might be- double a& pag. z rel. lieve, and vouchfafed to him that Affurance oi pardon is not an doth believe.par: a. pa: zr z. a& of faith iuftifying, asit iufti(ì- 219.231. eth,butanatt of Lich following Thepromife of forgiveneffe is juflification, pag: * 8. x9. received by faith alone.par.z. ca.z See Certainty of Salvation. pag:az1,zzz. Hee that is allured of pardon, The promifes of mercy in doth both believe and knoweth Chrift,being the highef andmolt that he believeth.pag: a t y. fpirituall,it is the hardtfc point of Howwe may climbe to thisat. ferviee in the Chriffian warfare furancein good order pag:zzo. firmely to believe them.par: z. ca: Prerogatives that accompany z .pa : 4. &ca: 83. this of urance.pag: aao, z z 1. It isneceffàry that we embrace Free remifnn and affurance of thepromife of forgiveneffe by a Gods love cannot puffe up, but lively faith. par; a. ca: z. pa: 212. doth abaft the believer in him- 213. z11. That there is forgiveneffe with Though faithcertifie that our God, or that finne is pardonable, fins be pardoned,yet .many good cannotbe knovvne by the light of Chrtflians live long in feare and nature,muft be difcerned by faith. doubt:pag: 227. pa0213,a 14 Thecaufes hereof and the re. It is eafier to fay fo muck medies.pag.z27i2z8,zz9 &ca whileft men fitepe in fin,then to Aswe believe to Iuflifaeation, believe it when the confcience is fo we muff continue in believing awakened ibid. for the aírfuall pardonof our dai- We are commanded toaske the ly trefpaffes pa: 222,223,x24. pardon and forgiveneffe of our We muff íä11 looke to Chriff fcnncs,and have a promife to bee for forgiveneffe: and faith lookes 1 heard in that which we defre,par. unto himas apetitioner,par: 1.c.8 I,ca.8,pa: zo1, atzo . In what fence forgiveneffe of p Weemuff pray daily tkat wee may