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fllphaóeticall7adle. may have greater .afrurance ibid. We fin daily and are to receive aetuall pardon from God conti- nually.ibid, We begg the conti- nuanceof hisgrace, that his mere cifull pardon may bea gift With- out repentance. pa: 1 o5. That we may more fully and reallypof- feffèwhat we doe in part intoy. ibid- And that we :night be fet in full and reall poffeflion of abfo- lure inure acquittance when the time of refreflau g fhall comepa. rob. He that is every day buffed to fue out his pardon cannot but be careful! not rorun into fin.pár: a. ca: a26, za 7. Dire&ans to theweake,to fir up theniElves tobelieve the pro- mife of forgivenelfe, when they want the comfort ofie. pa; z. 3. z3 4. &c. Repentance. Faith and repentance be infepa- rable companions par. 8. pa: too. Repentance is neceffiry to the pardonoffin,as aconditionwith- out which it cannot he obtained, not as a caufe why it is given par. t.cap:t o pa: i36. Pardon of frnne is promifed to them onlythat confeffe and for- fake their iniquity.par: :a. pa. t 19. Remiffion of fin is covenan- ted, fealed,and confirmed byoath to them that repent and believe. pa.t ca;,1j2. The promifeof pardon is made to repentant finners without limi- Cation t ) any time,peifon,quality or numberof offences. par: s, cap i :70 par a. ca: z. pag: a z8, zz9. Reverence. Mercycovering fin doth beget reverencer the more affurance of falyatíon in a mans foule , the more (care and trembling in a mans courte, par: z. cap; í. pag: 278. Faith in the threatnings brings forth avvefullneffe,reverence, and feare.par.z.cap . i;. Richer. Theworld mull be call out of the affetfions. par: 1. cap: r i. pa. i 6. Cerif(hath never due effeeme with ns, unlefle for his fake wee withdrawour hearts from all the richee,delights,honours,and pro- fitsof the world.pag 157. Not the poffeflion of earthly things and delight in them, but that pofietlton and delight in therm which withholds us from refigning our felves vnto Chrifl is forbiddenpa:1 8. par; a s. pa:406. By faith amancommetla freely to renounce his title and inter:A in thewo:ld,and to part w:rh any thing that might hinder mercy. par z c: 216. We fhall eafily bee brought to renounce theworld for Chrifl, if we attentivelyconfider what ex- cellent & incompatable treafures ofioy,delight and comfort,are to be found in JeCus Chriff,over and above all the world can promife or s n