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.1n AlphabeticaN Table. or affoord.par. neap. z t.pag. 157. par.z.cap.a.pag.zz6& ca.4. pag. 251, s7o, 27 t. & cap. g. pag, 376, As the worldcomes in uponus it muf}be our care to esercifeour felvcs in all good workes, and looke that our delire of grace doe grow andincreafe.par. t. cap. tt. pag. z 6t. Richeswell ufed be inftruutents ofdoing good.pag.t 56. S. thing fignified. pag. 402. It is neceffary to live by faith in the ufe ofGods ordinances pag sacraments. THe Word and Sacraments are toCbrifhans as a cleare glaffe inwhich we behold the glory of God in Chrift.par. z. cap. I I. pag 4°4. TheSacraments be truly called a vifible word.pag 405. Men areadmitted to the sacra- ment: bymen, and for profefli:,n of faith, when many times they have none indeed pag. 51' Chriflians are allowed to live by fauh,that by the fincere and confcionableMe of the Word and Sacrament: they !hall be confir- med in faith,and madewife vnro falvation.par.s. cap. s I. pag. 4oz 403. TheSacrament: were purpofely ordained to helps and confirms our weake faith par. z. ca.z. pag. z3.& ca. z t.pag. z63.par t t. pag4oz. There be many promifes to affure the worthy receiver,that re- ceivingthe outward fignes as hee ought,he shall be partaker of the 403. Faith îs diligent in the ufe of Gods ordinances,but knoweth to diflinguifh betwixt the ordinan- ces in and by which grace is ob- tained,and the author and giver of & ca. Iz. pa:406. How to live by faith in the ufe of Gods ordinances.par t t. pa.4°3,4045405. & c. Certaintie ofSalvation. How a true believer may bee certaine and infallibly Alined of the remiffion of his fins and eter- nallfalvation. par:Lea:8. pa: 9e, 91. Beliefe in Chrifi for rem,fíico is ftronger and neceflary then affurance of pardon and for Bywhat fruits faith may dif- covet it felfe robe fkrong in fome refpcets, where there is fmaIl af- furanceof pardon. par. t, cap. to. pa.z4T. There isa particular word or that which is equivalent tcflify. ing thus much,that my particular perfon beholding the Sonne, and believing on him, tha11 have eternall life. par. I. cap. 8. pag. 97. This affurance is not filch as that whereby a man is made al"- folutely out of all doubt. pa: 92. par: 5 7. The particular certainty of re- miffion offinnes is not equall in certainty and firmenefle of afrent to the affurance which wee halle about