.nAlphabeticd?'abh. about the common object offaith Pa. 9z,93. When faith is grovvne up and hath outwreftled temptations,wc are fubieft by negle&ing meanes, laying dovvne ourwatch, &c..to look for a time this comfortable perfwafion, pa.gs 3. Affurance had by extraordina- ry revelation, not altogether feee from feares and doubts, pa. a 09. Infallible aflìuance of falva. don is to be iaatreated for, and may be obtained, pa.97. The falvationofabeliever is as infallibleirrit felfe, and:in event, as is the Word of God: but al- waits it is not fo in his apprehen Pion and feeling, pa. 1 08,109. Ignorance of the exa& multi- tude and greatneffeofour offences is no barre or hinderance to the certaintie of falvation,pa tog. Immediate & perfeft affurance might peradventure by the cor- ruption lieve the promifes of SanAifoa- of our nature be abufed tie :, par, 2,ca. 3,pa. z3 8. It is neceflaryto beleeve thefe promifes, par. ',ca. q,pa. et z,par.z, ca.; pa.z39,z4o,z41. Thefe promifes bee of great price, and faith sweetly fee- deth upon them, par.t, ca.S, pa 63. The beliefe ofthefe promifes is ftirring and operati e,ibid. Beliefe that God vvil inable the faith full to everyduty he doth re- quire, is an exceeding furtherance feare oftemporal' afiliítions,&c. par. :, ca.t a, pa.4z4 What infirmities may Hand with affarance offalvation, par. I,ca.8, pa. Irf,I16. What finnes hinder affurance, pa.It8stl Sanditcation. What San5tification is, par. 2, ca.3, paz 3 7. Vnder what tcarmesit is promi- fed in Scripture, pa.2.3 7,:38. He that feeth himfelte mifera- ble by fanne though late can fee nograce inhisfoule, is called to come untoChrift to receive from him the grace of Sanf!i fcation as well as remiflion, para., ca z, pa. :32. & cap.3, pa. z38. & cap.6. p C a o2,303. hrftias are allowed to be. to fecurity, pa. i I x. Full affurance notto be difaI. lowed becaufe of the evil! that might enfue to- s thereby abiding the fame, pa.: I z. The affurance which a godly man hath of his falvation is ever joyned with afaithfull and con- fcionable care towalke uprightly, par. I, ca,q, pa. 61. & ca.8, pa. True of trancebreeds increafe of refolution and care to pleafe unto godline fe,ibid. par.z, ca 3, God, dcteftation offinite, unfai- pall The of faith concerning ned abafement,continuall watch- 5 fulneffe, ardent love, and joy un the promifes ofSanefificatian,par. fpeakable,pa,i21,1 2,ca.3,pa.2.41,z42,&c. The godly mans affurance of Meanes to quicken faith inbe-'. Gods favour w;ll ftandwell with Roving that God will fanaifie, reverence of his Majeftie, and when wee fee nothiagbut dome