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*An Á1pbabet 1e, fuccour promifed, and relies upon his grace, pa.z97,3o7,308. Means to ftirre up our (elves to live by faith in time ofgrie- vous temptations, 304,305. In the agonie of Confcience none more unfit to judge of our flate,then we ofour owuc, par. r, ca.Iz, pa.194. In the examination and trial! ofour elites we commit no finall errors in time of temptation, pa. 174,575,187. By extremityof temptation the godly are fometimes brought fo low, that they .can difcerne no fparke offaith, no fruit ofgrace, nor markeof Gods love in the n- fel ves,pa. 3 ot. How this comes to pafk,p.3 o 1,3oz. The remedies in this diftrefle, pag.3oz, 303, 304. See Grace. God imputes not to his fervants the helIifh thoughts fiiggefled by Satan into their mincies, which they confent not to, pag. 3o.6, 3 °7 The benefits that come unto us by temptation!, par.I, ca.8, pa. How temptations worke for the fpeciall good of Gods fervants, par. z, ca.6, pa.3o8,309. Faithdifcernes that temptations ferve for the fcouringoftheLords veffels, and for the encreafe of their graces, pag,3o s, Summer fruits offaith are not to be expeaed intemptationr,par. r,ca.xz, pag.187,188. What fruits offaith arefeafo. nable in temptatien,ibid. rhankefulne . Faith dí.fpofeth the heart to thankefulneffe, par.s,ca.8,pa.3 59, 366, & cap. so, pag. 395, 396399. True faith flirreth up to thank fulneffe for the beginning offan. ificatioa, par. z, cap. 3, pag. 245. Living by faith in times of trial! and vi(itation doth fit and prepare the heart to thankfulneffe, when light fhall Thine from on high, and that fo much the more as the afiaions have beene the fharper, orof longer continuance, par. z, ca 7, pa.3 41. In receiving the Lords Supper faith ffirrethup joyand thankeful- ne,, with ferious remembrance of the manifold benefits and blef- fings which in Chrift Jefus are vouchfáfed, par.saca.s r, pa.419, 420. When by faith inChrifl we fee our felves fct free from the dread- full curfes of the Law, our hearts are inlarged in praife and thank( giving, par. s, ca. r z, pa, 4.z5. Threatningr. God is equally to be believed in his threatninge and promifes, par.z, ca.t z, pa.4z1,4zz. Beliefe of the tbreatnings is neceffary, par. s, capi 5, pag. 64. The tbreatningr are strong bri- dles to keepe from náuahtinefl'e, par. r,ca. 5,pa.65, par.s,ca,1 s,pa. 4231424,4z I. Firme agent to the acorn. plia