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why all beleeve not that heare the word. 13 nail publifhingof his word, will, orpleafure : this is lure, that ordinarily the Holy Ghoft dothworke by the Mini- fiery of theWord. The Word can doe nothing without Gods Spirit : andordinarily the Spirit will doe nothing without the Word. Faith is called the fruit of the lips. Eery 5'7.19 the Wordis both the meanewherebywebeleeve, and the fubjeet matter ofour beleefeAman may lee without light or colour, heare without eareor found , aspofhblyas be- leeve without the Word of God. For when faith is an affiance or perfwafion, touching the good will of God towards us in Jefus Chriff , how canwebe periwaded tou- ching his gracious pieafire, till webe acquaintedwith his word,whereby he hath declared it ? How can Ibeleeve or certainly know that a friend will doe me this or that good turne, unleffe I havehisword or promife to that effe6f ? Nomore could we ever know or be perfsvaded that God would forgive our Gnnes , orPhewmercy uponus, Ihould he not byhis Word fignifie and make knowne the fame. TheWord is the Wordoffaith, propounding things tobe beleeved , and commanding us to beleeve. The Gofpel is John 1 z 3.6. thewordofthe kingdome,thepower ofGod tofalvation,the M eke 1 15. arme ofGod. R.011`.1.16. Faith is the motherof Prayer : Prayera meànes of the Irrc s 53 ÿ ÿ reafed by increafe and confervationof Faith.The Sacraments do con- Prayer and the firme,conferve,and encreafe faith begun: but the Word on- ufe of the sa- ly is the infrument tobeget faith. Two things are here to ara,rrentr. be looked unto: Firf+,that we fever notwhat God bath joyned together..Secondly,thaêwe attribute not to the in- firument what is proper to the Aut-hour, For the Word by theOrdinance of God is appointed to reprefent to our minds what it is ordained tofgnifie , and by it as an in- liniment it pleafèth God to worke: but the whole force, effcacie,and powerdoth flowfromGod,andhethat created Macke 16. zo. manatthe firf+,i s his refforer to life eternall. 1 Corr z 6. If it be demanded, whydoe not all beleeve that heare Why all do not the .Word? The anfweris, ManswilfulnWeis thefund- beleeve :hat mentali,radicall, prime.caufeof obftinate unbeleefe ; and hear the Word, he