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Korß.1.IJ. ,f,c 16. : Ç G II.>,s. z Cor.13 5. Per.i.}. Pet .3.r t. Rurn.L I,z. In what rzfietYt faith is implicite. Joh.zo 9. ? Ma tti.t.16 22.. Luku.'-5. Pttíl.! Y+IO. ; I. 2C II2. '.; Jr,(1.4.34,41. Heb.Ii.31, §. 2. . Faith it an .4Ç f,,,r. Faith it an Airent. for it, thatfaith requireth knowledge ofrevelation. The implicite faith thenof them that know nothing in Religion, but beleeve as theChurch beleevetti, not under- (landing what Theebeleeveth orprofeffeth, is mofiabftird: but whenwee know Chrifi truly, and whatfoever is abfo lucely neceffarie to lalvation, there bee many things wrap- ped.up fromus, which.wee ought CO beleeve, in which re fpeet faithmay becalled implici te, orinfolded. For being compaffed , about with miffs of ignorance, weeattainenot the underflanding ofmany things revealed : ofwhich wee maynote verie many examples in the Difciplesof Chrifl, having not yet obtainedfull illumination : and in them, whobeingonely furredupby themiraclesofCnrifl, went naa further than to acknowledge him to bee the promifed Meffiar. So that when a man knowes and underfiandsin generali the filhflantiall articles belongingto faith, which are containedin the Scriptures,and is ignorant only in the particulars whereby the faidgenerall articles are demon-' flrated ; and when withal! hee des the meanes to increafe itt knowledge, by fearching theScriptures, and hearing the Word preached : in this cafe hisfaith may betrue, though inf>lded in many particulars. Faith all() may be implicite in another refpeói : for ma- ny that trulybeleeve, cannot certainly affirme they doebe- , leeve : which befalleth them that are touched in conici- I ence for Caine, whobewaile their offences, and delire tobee reconciled unto God. Now as in thelittle tenderbud are infolded the leafe, the bloffome, and the fruit : fo in true furrow, broken-heartednefie and unfained acknowledge- ment, faith and many graces of Gods Spirit are infolded. But this is not properly underflood"whenwe fpeakeofim- plicite faith, neither is faith fò much wrapped up in there graces, as the fight of faith and fenfe of comfort hid from their eyes that be diflreffed. ç. 2. Faith prefiippofeth knowledge, and yeeldsaffent to thewordof grace, relying upon the authoritie of God, who is true in ali his fayings, fincere, faithful], confiant in all