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Faith is an affianceor confidence. 25 theirtrufl under thefhadowofthy wings. The Lord recom- R uh 2.1 pence thy work..e,andafullrewardbegiveicthee ofthe Lord 'fai .r0. Godof Ifrael, under whofe wings thonart come to trait. Nah r'7' The righteous (hall beglad in the Lord, and /halltruff in i him. TheLord is good, aflronghold in the dayof trouble, 1, andhe knoweth them that truff inhim. Hence God is cal- led ourprote&tion, or hidingplace, towhich wee may fie in Jpel 3 ,s, trouble, andfindfhelter : God is our refuge andfirength, a verieprefent help in timeof trouble. The fourth is to leane upon, even as a man would (lay himlèlfeon a flafle, wherewith he is nnderpropped. o Be- ' F s chron r5. caufethouhalf relyedupon the KingofSyria,& not relied ?'chrona;.u. on the Lord thy God, therfore is the Hoff ofthe KingofSy- ! l'rov3 5. ria efcaped outof thyhand. Were Mot theEthiopians & e 1,fclnonT3.7a. Lubimsahugehoft, with veriemany chariots & horfemen? yet 6ecaufethou diditrely upon the Lord,he delivered them into thine hand. And it'hallcome topaffe in that day, that way 10.20. the remnant ofIfrael, andfilch as areefèapedofthehoufeof Jacob,fhallno moreagaine flayuponhim that fmote them, hut'hallflayupon theLord, the holy one in truth. Twoof there wordsareufed together in diverfe places, and may ferve toexpound eachother : wherefore,thusfaith the holy oneofIfrael : Becaufe yedelj'ife this word, and craft in op- hay 3^ ra. prefonandperverfneffe,andftny thereon. Woe tothem that Ifay3' geedown toEgypt for help, andflay onhorfes,and truff in chariots, Becaufe they are many ; and horfemen, Becaufe theyare verieflrong : but they looke not unto the holy one of Ifrael, neitherfeeke the Lord. who is among you that My so, TO. feareth theLord,that abeyeth the voyce ofhisfervant,that walketh in darkneffe, andbath no light, let him trufin . the name oftheLord, andflayupon his God. Another word there is almoft ofthe fame-Ggnification, whichnoteth, with all the mind and thought confidently to ¡cane, orftay upon aprop. They call themfelves of theholy Ifay4?2. C'itie,andflay themfelves upon the LordGodof lfraeI, the Lord of Hafts is his name. Soit is noted of the people of Ifrael, that they relied, or leanedupon the words of King Hezekiah,