Popi ObjeEluonsprevented. 29 The faith of Abraham is commended for thefirme ai- `P°p0' är,,e471_ out prevented. fent that hee gave to thepromife of God : but the confi Rom.4.ry>2o. denceof his heart relling upon and cleavingunto thepro- mile, is not obfcurely declared. For theApol}le faith, 4- tom4rs braha9n beleeved above hope, that is, bee conceived firme confidence in heart of the truth and power of God. Whichis manifef} by the Antithefis, Flee doubted not by gdifiruftorinfidelitie; for incredulitie is as well the di- g As the vulgar flrufl h of heart, as the hefitation of mind. ifAbraham, t' Rom4.zo. had onely acknowledged the truth of that which God h blatci,.r4.,,r. and ry.zo. promifed, and not trufled to him-for the performance thereof, what could that faith have profited him ? What can it availe any man tojuflification, that heeholds Jefus Chrifi to be the onelySaviour, and faith in him the onely meanes offalvation, if hedoe notwithall relyeupon him to be favedby his mediation ? What, thatthe Apofllehim- felfe applyingthat particularof Abraham to.all beleevers, expoundeththat beleeving, byconfidence in or relying up- on God : which beleeved on him that roofed up Jefuu our Rom.4.,4. Lordfiom thedead. Faith ù the fubtanceofthings hopedfor, and theevi- Heb.rr.r. Bella), de tae f . dence ofthing. notfeene, notonelybecaufe it makes things I 1 zb.r. eap.i. fpeculatively tofubfiflin themind, but much morebecaule it makes them ifiduciallytofubfiff in the heart, as appea- i Heb.4.r6.and reth by the Apoflle, puttingk fub{lanceand confidence for k ,t4, the fame. For the fubfiflence of things hoped for is trufl Z cor.9.4. and or confidence, whereby wee ref+ on the promifes divine, rZekT9.s. knowing and being perfwaded that God will make "tic .57 good whatfoever hee bath fpoken : And faith is the fub- sp; :'s rr. flame ofthings hoped for, becaufe it is aconfident reaing upon God for the accomplifhmentofwhat bee bath Ipo- ken, as if it were already fìa.lfiuled. And fo it is thedemon- flration of things to come, not intelie6luall onely, but fi- duciall : which is a fveet motion of the heart, enlarging it feife, and refling in the mercie of God, prefent and to come; and making things tocome in a fort prefent to the heart, in refpe& ofthe promife made byGod, and the tafle and