Ball - BT770 B3 1637

THE PREFACE TO THE READER. Lorious things are fpokcn of the grace ofgraces ( Faith) in the Scriptures, Godfettinghimfef to honour that grace that yeelds up all the honour unto him in Chrifi who indeedis the lifeof our life, andthefoule ofourOde. Faith onely as the bond ofunion bringeth Chrifi and thefoule together, and is is anar- terie that conveyesthefpiritfromhim as theheart, and ass thefinewes which convey the [pirit tomove all dutie from him as head; whence Saint Paul maketh Chrs living in us,andour living byfaithallone, Gal. 2.20. Now that which givethboldnej and liberty tofaith, is not onely Gods a f ignement ofthis office to it in the covenant ofgrace tocomeunto Chrifi , anduntohim iii Chrifí, to receivegrace, but likewife the graciouspro_ mifs whereby the rcat Godhath igagedhim feqr a deb pr, objq.00re creature all thin snceí áÍl to li eand ' odtine/e until/ that bleed timewhenwe /hall a ut into a lip e Sion o Ilthin swehavc now only i ro_m ewlen aith all end-in ruition, and roma elan er ormance. .Faith