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48 Juflifyzng Faithcannot bewithout Love. 7e11ar. de yflif heemeaneth not all kindsof faith, but all faithofmiracles. lib. I. capI5. Univerfall propofitions muff bee limited according to the sek, pei»de. 1jbje&matter,unleífewewill run intomanifold abfurdities. And that the faithhee fpeakethof wasnot fitlyqualified to Juffification, appeareth in this, that it didnot command, but ratherwas fubordinate to their vaine-glorious humour. Locke as their confidencewas greater in the power and ex- traordinarie promifesofGod, the more were they puffed up, boaffing in themfelves, intùlting over their brethren : whereas, if their affiance had beene well fettled upon the mercieof God in Chrifl, and had rightly fpread it felfe to the feverall branchesofholy truth ; it wouldhave enclined, year conflrained them to ferveone another in love,andbend their gifts to theedificationoftheir brethren ; which, whi- leffthey doe not but rather turne their gifts to the fervice of their luffs, and the difhonour ofGod, it isevident they beleevednot unto righteoufneffe. But bywhat faith fhould thefe Corinthians have come toknow, and rightly to value Chriflian love? The fame by which they wrought wonders, or fome other: If the a soTeltarmixe fame, athen faith is true, though feparated from love. If feemestodif_ fomeother, the Apofilein all congruitie fhould firfi have Pute, utiJ"pr" exhorted them toembrace it; otherwife heehad commen- s autat» ded thebeautieof Chriffian lovebut unto blindmen. Be- fides, if it bee forne other, then by that grace offaith, whereby they retied upon the extraordinarie promife and powerof God, they had never beene able to difcerne be- twixt goodand evill, or to behold the worth anddignitie ofChritlian love and kindneffe, though never 1T well roo- tedintheirhearts. To this queflion it is diree-ily anfwe- red, That the exercife of love was to bee raifed in thefe Corinrhiana hearts by faith, for common effenceand qua- lities the fame withthat whereby they wrought miracles; but by the fame faith rightly fet, deeply rooted, taking better in the heart, diffnfing its vertue into the feverall fa- culties , fpreading it felfe uniformely unto the particular branches of Chriffian duties, direeling the affections unto fpirituall;