what dec?rives are calledmatters ofFaith. §. I. What docrines are called matter, ofFaith. §. 2. 3u.flifyingfaith ú taowayes confi_ dered. CHAP. V. Of thegenera objell or (natterof Faith juftifying, §, r. i( Atters of faith arió}ly and properly thofe are ,jljcalled, whichpertaine to the natureand effence offaith, fir(} and by themfelves; as are the points offaith contained in the Gofpel, the ignorance whereof is dam- nable, and the deniall. heretical!. But in a more large ac- ceptation,all truth,revealed byGod in hisholy Word, is a matter of faith, and tobeebeieeved as God hath revealed it. Hence is that ruleof Divines, Thereare many integrali parts in the wordof God, which are Paid to bee of the word offaith, but not properly a matter of faith. For there are many hifloricall, domeflicall, and particular matters fet dowse for example, not properly for faith : which wee beleeve , not beCaufe they pertaine to faving faith, but for that they appertaine to the Word written by the Spirit of God. And not much unlike hereunto is that diflin&ion, that Tome things are neceffarie to bee beleeved tofalvation by themfelves, and the authoritie of the Scriptures, as the fubflantiall points of faith and manners ; others for theauthoritieof the Scripture onely, as thole which are not fò necefifarie : and fome neither by themfelves, nor the authoritie of the Scripture, as are things in themfelves indifferent, fo long as by circum- fiance theybenotrepugnant to faith, truth, love,and edifi- cation. §. z. Jufiifying faith is confidered, either according to its molleminent effe&,which is to ju(lifie ; or according to its full and adequate a&. For that faith which juflifieth, loth embrace the Commandements, beleeve the threat- flings , looke to all the promifes of God made in Jefus Chrifi concerning this life or the life to come, and re- ceive the good things promifed: itfuflaineth in adverfi- ties,