Ball - BT770 B3 1637

jufifying Faithis tico wayes confidered. 59 ties, worketh by love as an inftrument conjoyned with it , guide-th all our a&ions , and giveth firme affent un- to everie article of faith, and everie part of divinetruth; but as it jufiifieth, it is converfant about Chrift obeying to death,, that we may find righteoufneffe and forgivenefle of finnes to life inhim ; or it cleaveth unto Gods mercies manifefted in that eternal! facrifice, alwayes breathing out life to men, renouncing all truft and confidence, even in fuchgraces as wee have received fromGod. The truth, mercie, fidelitie, and power of God, with all benefits part and to come, which it pleafeth God to be- flow upon his people in Jefus Chrif! , are the matter The oblee) of about which faith is exercifed : but as it juftifieth, Chrii rWÓ,Ffid faith is the full and adequateobje6of beleefe ; as our reafóna- t. General!. hie foule doth fee in theeye, heare in the eare, digeft in the ftomack, but doth not reafon as it doth thefe things, butonely as it conceiveth and difcourfeth within us. So that, according to the twofold confederationof juflify_ ing faith, the obje& ofit is twofold. Generali and Spe- cial]. I. The Generali obje& is -the whole truth óf God revealed unto us in his Word, containing all Hilories, TDoóìrines, Commands, Threatnings, Promifes of what kind foever.. True faith refpeás all this, and onely this. True faith refpe- Onely this, besaufe divine revelations onely beof certaine áeth the whole word ofGod . and infallible truth, which cannot deceive, andwhereunto men can fafely giveunlimitedand abfolutecredit : All this, becaufe everie part ofdivine infpired truth is worthy of all beleefe and reverence: and fo there is nothing contained in Scriptures, threatning, promife, precept, admoni- tion, exhortation, prophefie , or hiflorie, which falls not in force degree or other, within the compaffe of laving Faith. God who cannot lye, hath propounded to men for truth, and to be heleeved, whatfoever is deliveredin Scrip- tures , and fo i is a matter of faith ; but fo farre forth onely, as it is intended tobee held for true by the Holy Ghofi, the Authour of the Scripture. There is no doubt to