PROOF FROM ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. .59 the rest, receiving orders and employment from them' These things we may discern by considering the instances which follow: In the designation of a new apostle, to supply the place of Judas, he indeed suggested the matter, and laid the case before them, Acts i. 15-26; he first declared his sense; but the whole company chose two, verse 23 (zoo 7a-nauv dúo), and referred the determination of one to lot, or to God's arbitration. At the institution of deacons, Acts vi. 2, " The twelve called the multitude of disciples," and directed them " to elect" the persons; and the proposal being "acceptable" to them, it was done accord- ingly: " They chose Stephen," &c., whom " they set before the apostles, and when they had prayed, they laid their handson them. "' In that important transaction about the observance of Mosaical institutions,' " a great stir and debate being started," which St Paul and St Barnabas by disputation could not appease, what course was then taken? Did they appeal to St Peter, as to thesupreme dictator and judge of controversies? Not so; but " they sent to the apostles and elders at Jerusalem, to inquire about the question," Acts xv. 2. When those great messengers werearrived there, " theywere received by the church, and the apostles and elders," verse 4; and having made their report, " the apostles and elders assembled to consider about that matter," verse 6. In this assembly, " after much debate" passed, and that many had freelyuttered their sense, St Peter " rose up," verse 7, with apostolical gravity, declaring what his reason and experience suggested conducing to a resolution of the point; whereto his words might indeed be much available, grounded not only upon common reason, but upon special revelation concerning the case : whereupon St James, alleging that revelation, and backing it with reason drawn from Scripture, with much authority pronounces his judgment. " Therefore," says he, " I judge," (that is, says St Chry- sostom, " I authoritatively say,") "that we troublenot themwho from among the Gentiles are turned to God; but that we write unto them," &c.' And the result was, that, according to the proposal of St James, it was by general consent determined to send a decretal letter unto the Gentile Christians, containing a canon, or advice directive of their practice in the case. " It then seemed good to" (or was de- creed by) " the apostles and elders, with the whole church, to send." And the letter ran thus, "The apostles, and elders, and brethren, to 3 "Oyes R aúmóv psrá xervñs yá07' Ira,oVVTa yvww,ans' ollév aú0807:16; "4, 0úSá ápxsxms Chrys. in Act. i. 16. "Behold him doing all things by common consent ; nothing authoritatively nor imperiously." 2 Acts vi. 5, Kai ;poly ó ?.áyos ÉvZvtiov aravrós Taú 0')ìh008 ,aì itsXigavro 2Tifavov, &C. 8 Acts xv. 2, rsvomévnç sraayswç, xal evt'sryiersws 0úx áxiyns 6ió y1 xpiva. Acts xv. 19. Ti ì0'T1 xpine ìyá; ì8yì Toy ¡asm' igavoias ).'syw Torbro Sivas.Chrys.