Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

CONTENTS. A TREATISE OF THE POPE'S SUPREMACY. INTRODUCTORY ESSAY, BY THE EDITOR, XI DEDICATION,BY THEAUTHOR'S FATHER, . XXXIX THEPUBLISHER TO THE READER, BY ARCHBISHOP TILLOTSON, . XLI INTRODUCTION TO THE TREATISEVariouS opinions of Romanists regarding the papal supremacyThe common opinion of Romanists as vouched by Bellar- mineOpinions of thepopes themselvesPapal power exalted above the regal Pope HildebrandLofty pretensions of the popes No such pretensions in early times Universal supremacy now the creed of Rome Romanists must hold the supremacy of the popeVague sentiments of some Romanists on this pointPopes themselves not agreed about their supremacyThe doctrine con- tested in the ensuing treatise The oath taken by bishops to the pope The supremacy curtailed by some PapistsThe genuine doctrine of the Roman churchSeven suppositions involved in the claim of supremacy, 3 TREATISE, 29 FIRST PAPAL SUPPOSITION, That St Peter had aprimacyover the Apostles. SEVERAL RINDS OFPRIMACY StPeter's primacy of worth St Peter's primacy of re- puteSt Peter's primacy of order St Peter had no primacy of power No mention of such power No higher office than an apostle Equality of the apostlesExorbitant claims of the pope No extraordinary powers ascribed to PeterProof from St Peter's EpistlesProof from the Acts of the Apostles No appeals to poor Pope Peter St Peter no judge or sovereign St Peter not consulted by the other apostlesThe apostles had no fixed residenceEach apostle independent St Paul independentof St Peter StPaul's famous rebuke of St. Peter St Peter did not outlive all the apostlesClaims of St Jamesand St John Testimonies from the fathers, 39 INVALIDITY OPTHE OPPOSITE ARGUMENTS First Argument for theprimacyof St Peter " Thouart Peter, and upon this rock," &c.What ismeant by " this rock "The views ofthe fathers on " this rock " The promise prospective Its truemeaning, . . 77 Second Argument "The keys"Power of "the keys" explainedNothing sin- gular in this gift, . . . . 03 ThirdArgument " Feed my sheep," addressed to all apostles and pastorsThe apostlesfellow- shepherdsHow could St Peter feedall ?Bellarminsevasion, 85 Fourth Argument Divers prerogatives, . . 91 Fifth ArgumentPlacing of St Peter's name before the rest, . 92 Sixth Argument Extravagant eulogiesof the fathersThe fathers speak as highly of other apostles St Peter and St Paul equally commended St James seems to have the best title to the primacy, . . 03