Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

62 Ico APPEALS TO POOR POPE PETER. with that which the most approved; the community took upon it to prescribe unto the greatest persons, as we see again in another instance, where the brethren at Antioch " appointed Paul and Bar- nabas" (the most considerable persons among them) " to go up unto Jerusalem."' They were then "so generous, so merciful, so full of charity, as, rather than to cause or foment any disturbance, to recede, or go whither the multitude pleased, and do what was commanded by it"2 10. In all relations which occur in Scripture about controversies incident of [pertaining to doctrine or practice, there is no appeal made to St Peter's judgment, or allegation of it as decisive; no argument is built on his authority; dissent from his opinion, or disconformity to his practice, or disobedience to his orders, is not mentioned as ground of reproof, as aggravation of any error, any misdemeanour, any disorder: which were very strange if then he was admitted or known to be the universal prince and pastor of Christians, or the supreme judge and arbitrator of controversies among them; for then surely the most clear, compendious, and effec- tual way to confute any error or check any disorder had been to allege the authority of St Peter against it. Who, then, could have withstood so mighty a prejudice against his cause? If now a ques- tion arises about any point of doctrine, instantly the parties (at least some one of them, which hopes to find most favour) have re- course to the pope to define it; and his judgment, with those who admit his pretences, proves sufficiently decisive, or at least greatly sways in prejudice to the opposite party. If any heresy, or any opi- nion disagreeingfrom the current sentiments, is broached, the pope presently roars, that his voice is heard through Christendom, and thunders it down; if any schism or disorder springs up, youmay be sure that Rome will instantlymeddle to quash it, or to settle matters as best stands with its principles and interests: such influence has the shadow of St Peter's authority now. But no such regard was then had to poor Pope Peter himself; he was not so busy and stirring in such cases. The apostles did not send heretics to be knocked down by his sentence, nor schismatics to be scourged by his censure, but were fain to use the long way of disputation, striving to convince them by testimonies of Scripture and rational discourse. If they used "authority," it was their own, which they "challenge as given "EraEav sivaßaivssv navxo, xai Bapvá:ay. Acts xv. 2, xiii. 2. 2 Tís oÚV it 467v yavvans; 715 stovrxayzvo;; r45 sravrxnpGpp %uivas áylvrns; aivrirw, al h ipa2 eráos;, zai ipas, xai ezSopaara, lzxwprv, arum aú iáv ßouxnehs, zai vroS, rá vrpor raoeá- poara úxò rov 9/1070005.Clem. ad Cor., 54. "Who among you is noble and generous? whohas bowels of compassion? who is full of charity? Let him say, If for my sake there be sedition, and strife, and divisions, I will depart, and go whither youwould have me, and do what shall be enjoined meby the multitude."