Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

THE APOSTLES HAD NO FIXED RESIDENCE. 65 receive anycorrection from him, but for this only, that he might see him, and honour him with his presence."' And, indeed, that there was no such deference of the apostles to St Peter we may hence reasonably presume, because it would then have been not only impertinent and needless, but inconvenient and troublesome; for, - 13. If we consider the nature of the apostolical office, the state of things at that time, and the manner of St Peter's life, in correspond- ence to those things, he will appear incapable or unfit to manage such a jurisdiction over the apostles as they assign him. The nature of the apostolical ministry was such that the apostles were not fixed in one place of residence, but were continually mov- ing about the world, or in procinctu, ready in their gear to move whither divine suggestions called them or fair occasion invited them, for the propagation or furtherance of the gospel, 2 Cor. xi. 25, [28.r The state of things was not favourable to the apostles, who were discountenanced and disgraced, persecuted and driven from one place to another, as our Lord foretold of them. Christians lay scattered about at distant places, so that opportunities of despatch for convey- ance of instructions fromhim or of accounts to him were not easily found. -1 Cor. iv. 9; 2 Cor. iv. 8, vi. 4, xi. 25; Matt. xxiv. 9; Luke xxi. 12. St Thomas preaching in Parthia, St Andrew in Scythia, St John in Asia, Simon Zelotes inBritain,' St Paul in many places,' other apostles and apostolical men inArabia, in Ethiopia, in India, in Spain, in Gaul, in Germany," in the whole world, and in all the creation under heaven," as St Paul speaks, Col. i. 6, 23, Rom. x. 18,could not well maintain correspondence with St Peter, especially considering the manner of his life, which was not settled in any one known place, but movable and uncertain; for he continually roved over the wide world, preaching the gospel, converting, confirming, and comforting Christian people, as occasion starting up induced. How, then, Taúrnç Tare,vaq2poviarepea yivar áv rn'ç l'vxñç; pmts. Tocaúra zee: Tearïree xarop- Aoípce rce penlìV nárpau Sebpcseas, penal c-c cxeieov eQavnç, cb..l' ia'órEais ó)v alirw (raéer yelp alSia ipci Tiaç) öpeac deipzerac ias rpás peRaea, xal rpev°úrepoe xai rIs eiroánpeiaç aúTñp rï7ç ixe7 yivcTa, airíaç I lrTOpía niTpau paSex Oú,ß ä,ç peaAnoópeeváç rs rap' airov; ,in ç a,ópGaoíc r,Ca SEl ápaevos, áxxá I, Touro ¡Aber, áirrs iSt7e aúráv aai Trpñua, rñ rapoucí;c. Chrys. in Gal. L 18. 8 'Ex-EX. yelp ripeexxov Tn s obeaupiess Tñv irsrporñv áeaReea Ace, oiex áóe; evizreraixAae )ssróv rial.oiXorç' I yelp äv 1"V"91`":;" 'r sia,vpcí' c yíyovn Y,npeia.- Chrys. in Joh. xxi. 23. " For seeing they were to take upon them the inspection and superintendencyof all the world, it behoves them not any longer to be mixed or conjoined together; for this had been a great loss and hinderance to the world." 8 Euseb., iii. 1; Niceph., ü. 38-40 ; Tertul. ad Jud., cap. vii. 4 `O rñv abeovpc'cnv a'ral,eúras, xal rw wed rivccaç 1pipeoa aav eekteov peep), cirapjcaç: Bas. Selene., Or. ii. "Ile that ran his race through thewhole universe, and, by his so eager running for the faith, made the world, as it were, too narrow for him." VOL. I. 5