¡+ 148 SILENCE OF ST BASIL. G) I assured about what you think good to commandme."Socr. iv. 12. / Was not that spoken, indeed, like a courteous sovereign, and an ac- complished judge in matters of faith? The same pope, in the head of the western, writes to a knot of eastern bishops, whom they call " their beloved brethren and fellow ministers," and in a brotherly strain, not like an emperor. In the time of Damasus, successor to Liberius, St Basil has divers epistles to the western bishops; in which, having represented and bewailed the wretched state of the eastern churches, then overborne with heresies and unsettled by factions, he craves their charity, their prayers, " their sympathy, their comfort, their brotherly aid,"' by affording to the orthodox and sound party the countenance of their communion, by joining with them in contention for truth and peace, as the communion of sogreat churches would be of mighty weight to support and strengthen their cause, giving credit thereto among the people, and inducing the emperor to deal fairly with them, in respect to such a multitude of adherents, especially of those which were at such a distance, and not so immediately subject to the eastern em- peror; for, " If," says he, " verymany of you concur unanimously in the same opinion, it is manifest that the multitude of the judges will make thedoctrine to be received without contradiction."' And, I know," says he again, writing to Athanasius about these matters, " but one way of redress to our churches, the unanimity of the western bishops;"' which being obtained, "would probably yield some advantage to the public, the secular power revering the trust- worthiness of the multitude, and the people universally following them without contradiction."' And, " You," says he to the western bishops, " the farther you are from them, the more trustworthy you will be to the people."6 rpá ÿar, El oimw Qpovtr; xab' xai 41.4s7s, xáì má Ira iv áXnd,vâ a'ems Iva xáyw scvroalLs ré eilaxpfmw; alp) rév 44'; x,),ósry pcw. Liber. adAth., tom. i. p. 243. 2 '7f'pea; aapaxaxaiipeer rupowadaore bpemv marl; Srarpiesel. Ep. lxi. Ei',t oÚ, aapape í6 5 áyáwn;, timrg zarow: a avcú,¡mamo;, virrva rwxáyxva xai oixrrppeoi, xrvr',Anrc wpó; Tin 611,6.íñn4,1v 4emv.lbid. "We beseechyou tohave a fellow-feeling of our distractions." " If there be any comfort of love, any fellowship of the Spirit, any bowels and mercies, be ye moved withpity and commiseration to help us." Aómt xsZpa moi; t;; yávu x?JA,Ter. euyxt- ',Añrw IV ñpe7, are taap,xa bpcmv ewxáyxva, wpoxuA,imw Sáxpua eupeaatslay. Ep. lxix. 'E,r,Ianeápe,Aa mmv bpasmÉpav áyáwnv t1; mñv ávmixny,v ñpemv xai OupewáAs,ay.Ep. lxx. 'EaAtiv Tim; wap' bae:59 s!; iwiexs'].ry ma) wapapcudiav mmv 9a,C0p6évw17.lbid. Vide Ep. lxxiv. (E; pelt/ L007v6.o, ÚYar xo,vwwzeb;. &c.) Eicr Si 'cal eupcor'vw; alai:,:; ápaol mC abrè Soypearirnms, Il?.', Ir: mó wT.nAO; mwv ooy- pcaneávmwv ávavmiPpnrov wads mÿv wapeeboxñv xa'acxsrváou mo; Sóypcamo ;. Ep. lxxiv. (Ep. ccxcüi.) peia, iw,yvaú; a'nóv ßo,Asia; mal; ear ;pa; ixx).neiar;, mñv wapá rm, Sum,xwr lw,exá- awv eúpcavorav, &c. Ep. xlviii. b Táxx ¿iv mt y[vo,mo moo xorve7; :pan, nmv ms xpamo,ívmw» mó á ,áa,er,v moú wxvulov; Suewwavaiveov, xai 'rear ixae.axol .tam» cixotovtoúv.wv abea7; elvavviMlmw;. Ibid. 6 `7pct7; S2 l'eo» ptazpár abmmr dwwxrepcárot muyxávfims, m0e01ma» axiar wapá 7o7; ,ta07, cEE,áaema» Exams. Ep. Ixxiv. f