Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

200 BISHOPS ADDRESSED THIS BISHOP OF ROME AS EQUAL. VIII. The style used by the primitive bishops in their applications to the Roman bishop signifies that theydid not apprehend him their sovereign, but their equal " Brother," " colleague," " fellow-bishop," are the terms which St Cyprian uses in speaking about the Roman bishops, his contempora- ries, Fabianus, Cornelius, Lucius, Stephanus, and in his epistles to the three last of them ;1 nor does he ever use any other, importing higher respect due to them, as indeed his practice demonstrates he did not apprehend any other due, or that he took them for his supe- riors in office. " Know now, brother," was the compellation of Dionysius, bishop of Alexandria, to Pope Stephanus.' The synod of Antioch, which rejected Paulus Samosatenus, inscribes its epistle to " Dionysius" (then bishop of Rome) " and Maximus, and all our fellow-ministers through the world. "3 The old synod of Arles directs their epistle "to Seignior Sylvester, their brother." Athanasius says, " These things may suffice, which have been written by our beloved and fellow-minister, Damasus, bishop of great Rome."' Marcellus inscribed to Pope Julius, to his " Most blessed fellow-minister."5 So Cyril spoke ofPope Celestine I., " Our brother and fellow-minister, the bishop of Rome."' So St Basil and his fellow-bishops of the east inscribed their epistle, "To the beloved of God, and our most holy brethren and fellow-ministers, theunanimous bishops through Italy and France."' In this style the fathers of Sardica salute Pope Julius; those of Constantinople, Pope Damasus; those of Ephesus, Pope Celestine I.,8 " Our brother and fellow-minister, Celestine;"9 those of Carthage, Pope Celestine I., in thevery same terms wherein St Augustine salutesMaximinus, aDona. - tist bishop, "Seignior, mybelovedandmost honoured brother."10 The oriental bishops, Eustathius, Theophilus, andSilvanus, inscribed their remonstrance to Pope Liberius, " To seignior, our brother and fellow minister, Liberius."11 So John of Antioch to Nestorius writes, "To I Cypr., Ep. 4, 41,' 58, 67, 68, 45, 49, &c. 2 "IA , , ILaExpi, &c.Euseb. vii. 5. 3 Arovvril, zai Ma4,4pcy xai ra's xsara 4v olxou(4ivav a-Zen ovxxeoroviyois 17714dv. Easeb. vii. 30. d `Ixavá ,eoiv má ypapivra 9rapá ms mo; úyavrmroû real euaxurrovp ' i Aaaácau. Athan., Ep. ad Afr., p. 931. 5 Tä teaxaprw -dmw vuaxumoupyñ¡'I,uxíá,Marcell. ad P. Epiph. Hoer. lxxii. 3 'Aatap; zai muxxErmavpyo; ñpea "v Tor, 4i, 'Pwteaíav ixxAmaías i9rroxhrov, &C.Cyril. ad Nest. in Syn. Eph., p. 207. 7 Toïç .foprxemmámasxai ónorwráror, en0.0oïs ouxxErmoupyoîs =ode 741'Imaxiav zai raa- aiavóaaúxors i9rrext.rarç. Bas., Ep. lxix.; Athanas. Apol. ii. p. 761, 756. 6 Theod. v. 9. 9 To; áasa /3o; zee) ovaXwroupyo; ñFcmv Keaeomivcv. Syn. Eph., p. 217. Domino dilec- tissimo et honoratissimo fratri, &c.Cone. Afr. 1O Domino dilettissimo et honorabili fratri Maximino.Aug., Ep. cciii. it Kupía áaeapre, xai owaxumovpyw Arl;epíá Eúcráhos, ®EOfraas, TraCavòs iv Kuíiá xai¡Err, &C. Socr. iv. 12.