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CAUSES ACCOUNTING FOR THE GROWTH OF THE PAPACY. 233 So in the synod of Chalcedon we have the letters of Valentinian, together with those of Placidia and of Eudoxia, the empresses, to Theodosius, in behalf of Pope Leo, for retractation of the Ephesine synod, wherein they express themselves engaged to maintain the honour of the Roman see. " Seeing that," says Placidia, mother of Theodosius, " it becomes us in all things to preserve the honour and dignity of this chief city, which is the mistress ofall others."1 So Pope Nicholas confesses that the emperors had " extolled the Roman see with divers privileges, had enriched it with gifts, had en- larged it with benefits"' or benefices, &c. Romanus temporeprisco Pauper erat prasul, regali munere crevit, &c.3 14. The popes had the advantage of being ready at hand to sug- gest what they pleased to the court, and thereby to procure its edicts (directed or dictated by themselves) in their favour, for extending their power or repressing any opposition made to their encroachments. Baronius observes, that the bishops of Constantinople used this ad- vantage for their ends; for thus he reflects on the edict of the Em- peror Leo in favour of that see: " These things Leo; but question- less conceived in the words of Acacius, swelling with pride."4 And no less unquestionably the popes conceived words for the em- perors in countenance of their authority.' Such was that edict of Valentinian in favour of Leo against Hila- rius, bishop of Arles (in an unjust cause, as Binius confesses)," who contested his authority to undo what was done in a Gallican synod. And we may thank Baronius himself for this observation: "By this, reader, you understand that when the emperors ordained laws concerning religion, they did it by transcribing and enacting the laws of the church, upon the admonition of the holy bishops requiring them to do their duty."' Itwas a notable edict which Pope Hilarius alleges: " It was also decreed by the laws of Christian princes, that whatsoever the bishop of the apostolic see should, upon examination, pronounce concerning churches and their governors," &c., " should with reverence be received and strictly observed, " &c. "Osráre srp[sre Alas raúrn rñ ¡ceyiorn sróxer, airis rwv yamv, ir sr"ao rò oé6as sraparßuxá;.. Syn. Chale., p. 27. 2 Qualiter (imperatores) earn diversis beneficiisextulerint, donis ditaverint, beneficiis ampliaverint, qualiter illam, &c. P. Nic. I., Ep. viii. p. 513. " Gunth. Lig. lib. vi. 4 Rae Leo, sed Acacii fastu tumentisproculdubio verbis concepta, et' stylo superbia exarata.Ba.ron., ann. 473, § 4. a Apud Marc. v. 32. " Bin. ad P. Hil., Ep. xi. p. 576. 7 Ex his intelligis, lector, cum de rebus sacris imperatores leges sanxivere, id ipsum . admonitione ss. prasulum requirentium eorum officium ex scriptis legibus statuisse. Baron., ann. 458, § 4. 8 Christianorumquoque principum legedecretumest, &c.P.Ililarius, Ep. xi. p. 576.