Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

242 THE EMPEROR, AND NOT THE POPE, CONVENED COUNCILS. and by divers factions), Theodosius I. " commanded," says Theodoret, " the bishops of his empire to be assembled together at Constanti- nople;"1 which meeting accordingly made the second general synod, in the congregation [convening] of which the pope had so little to do, that Baronius says it was celebrated against his will. Afterwards, when Nestorius, bishop of Constantinople, affecting to seem wiser than others in explaining the mystery of Christ's incar- nation, had raised a jangle to the disturbance of the church, for re- moving it the Emperor Theodosius II. " by his edict commanded the bishops to meet at Ephesus ; "a who there celebrated the third general council. In the beginning of each action it is affirmed that the synod was " convocated by the imperial decree ;"3 the synod itself often professes it; the pope's own legate acknowledges it; and so does Cyril, the president thereof' The same emperor, upon occasion of Eutyches being condemned at Constantinople, and the stirs thence arising, indicted the second general synod of Ephesus (which proved abortive by the miscarriages of Dioscorus, bishop of Alexandria), as appears by his imperial letters to Dioscorus and theother bishops, summoning them to that synod: " We have decreed that the most holy bishops meeting together,"5 &c. " After the same manner, the other most reverend bishops were written to, to come to the synod."' And, as Pope Leo confesses, calling it " the council of bishops, which you" (Theodosius) " com- manded to be held at Ephesus."' The next general synod of Chalcedon was convocated by theautho- rity of the Emperor Marcian (anno 451), as is expressed in the be- ginning of each action,' as the emperor declares, as the synod itself, ' MúvZor ó12olí,mv aúmm O,,,,,, ., .. Soz. vii. 7; Socr. V. 8. Mórnç mñç oixtíaç ßeera.eias foils 19real erov; 8i; Pier Kmrdmavmrvoú,r,a.ry OuvaApomtiì,x vrp,déma4,,.Theod. v. 7. Repug- nante Damaso celebrata, &c. Baron., ann. 553, § 224. 2 II,ádray¡ox moú ßadrlémç ti; O otivoLv OLy,í,ar lw ato08r.SOCr. vii. 34; Evagr. i. 3. 3 'Ex S ocriap.cvroç .rc, ßadraémv auyxporfOtioa. ' ' 'H dyia Vivian, ii xápnrr etell xa.A mÓ 9iesner to .Glr taOtCtçrármv xai (pr.Lcx.'ídmmv 412413, Azeraiav duyxpor,Aüda.Syn..Eph., Act. i. p. 291. "The holy synod assembled by the grace of God, according to the decree of our most religious emperors," &c. vápnrr At,i xai vrvtúloamr r, úatmipou xpárouç duvaxAtidx. P. 297. Tá orpodmtmayloí,x mñ A1,4 away 9rapá moü úpotmipou ,c;cr,ve, &c. Act. v. p. 347. Toïç lapord acre xarà vrpádmayyoa mm'r ßadram,. P. 404. `Herlya Oúvol,, ai Xp,erreeeleamamer xai epA,avlpor9rómamot ßadratiç alum,. "Which synod our most Christian and gracious emperors appointed," says Philip, thepope's legate.Act. iii. p. 330. T eiyía ouvóay m i xamA etoy xápry xai Szdir%aa mar StetpA.tdámmv xa praoxpivmmr ßadra.imr etv,x tíç,,, &c. "To the holysynod assembled by the grace of God, and the command of our emperors," &c. So Cyril and Memnon inscribe their epistle.Act. iv. p. 337. 5 'Elsoçridap er xamz maim, Ouvtalhrx, óçmreírmr, &C. 6 Trr 2úm(í -I mú9ly iypápn xai Tait- äaa.ors x ç,'címcrs ia',oxÓ9rors e.dm8 aajay,,í xr tiç mgv 2,í,,l r. Syn. Chale., pars i. p. 53. 7 Episcopale consilium, quod haberi spud Ephesum przecepistis. P. Leo L, Ep. xxv. et xxiv. ad Theod. 8 Keer, 9t7,, Waverly-ex euvaApar.Ptîdx. Tity leyíar úumv iMAp,idx,cty ,úr,1,, Act. vi. p. 345,