Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

THE EMPEROR, AND NOT THE POPE, CONVENED COUNCILS. 243 in the front of its Definition, avows: "The holy, great, and oecume- nical synod, gathered together by the grace of God and the com- mand of our most dread emperors," &c., "has determined as follows."' The fifth general synod was also congregated by the authority of Justinian I. (anno 533); and the emperor's letter authorizing it be- gins, as we saw before, with an assertion, backed with a particular enumeration; that all former great synods were called by the same power.' The fathers themselves say that they had " come together according to the will of God, and the command of the most pious emperor."' So little had the pope todo in it, that, asBaronius him- self tells us, it was congregated " against his will."' The sixth general synod at Constantinoplewas also indicted by the Emperor Constantine Pogonatus, as appears by his letters, as is in- timated at the entrance of each action, as the synod acknowledges, as Pope Leo II., in whose time it was concluded, affirms. The synod, in its Definition, as also in its Epistle to Pope Agatho, in- scribes itself, " The holy and oecumenical synod, congregated by the grace of God, and the high religious sanction of the most pious and most faithful great emperor Constantine ;"5 and in their defini- tion they say, " By this doctrine of peace dictated by God, our most gracious emperor, through the divine wisdom being guided, as a de- fender of the true faith, and an enemy to the false, having gathered us together in this holyand oecumenical synod, has united the whole frame ofthe church,"B &c. In its acclamatory oration to the emperor it says, Ta74 Serorcira,; vpaáv ?poerce ccry eïxovreç óro rñ; xpecrßurc'c- ; xai 41'0670X/2(.4 &xpocráXeaç &pxreparrxwraroç orpóe3poç xai , ae7; sÀtixr67ol &c. Act. xviii. p. 271. " We all acquiescing in your most sacred com- mands; both the most holy president of (Rome) the most ancient and apostolical city, and we the least,"' &c. These are all the great synods, which posterity with clear consent admitted as general: for the next two have been disclaimed by great loo/;to xai psyáT.n sea) oÌrou(oEV,z9] oÚVaa,Ç, ñ secco-1 esa; xá'(V, xai giear,opoa mmv súaaßsarárwv xal m,A.axríomwV mpadv ./'vae,xiwv oUVaxAEloa ... Wp,os r&Voromsraypiva.Act. vi. p. 346. 2 Act. p. 368, Gr.; p. 309, Lat. $ ProDei voluntate, et jussione piissimi imperatoris ad bane urbem convenimus. Collat. viii. 4 Ut gum resistente Romano pontifice fuerit congregata.Baron., ann. 553, § 219. 3'H &yía xa( (Aswan xaÌ xOU x pasvl; ef%vGOcoç, I xamá esa; xáp,V seal oravsu00sßiç+4Eeor,epsa ra; EÚPEßEPmámau xai 0r10070rámou p:syá).ou /3ae,xiws Kmueravmívau euvaxAEieS.Aet. xviii., p. 255, 285, in Ep. adP. Agath. 6 Tavrn mñ .9Eaipizmw mñs Eipñvns a,SaexStía 9pEOVÓ0ws 2 orpaómamas ;Fa, Fiae,XEÚç óSnyoú- poEVOS, ö mñE pis ö¡Aooatías ÚOPippoaxos, rñs 8i zazaOoVaç 1V711.4axoÇ, 7f7V xaA' ;pas &yíav r5ú- ,roso za) oixou,GLEVrxñv &Apoíoas öpO,jyup,V, rö mñg ixz)e500450 /15'52 5446.100E oÚyzp,pa Act. xviii., p. 256, in Definitione Synodica. T Kai y&p iseiyVwpasv Ö71 ñ&yia xa% pcEyá).n xa! oixOUpoEV,fL19 Ëxrn PúvaSoç, rir/s zuma eso; xáp,v, To-2 ßao,T.,xáa orpaeráypoami ivayxas iv 7n" RaeE.líSr euvnApíoAS oróxs,, &C.P. Leo 11., in Ep. ad Con. In+p., p. 305.