Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

PAPAL HERESIES ON MARRIAGE, ETC. 367 But thepope assumes to himself the headship of thechurch, affirm- ing "all power and authority to be derived from him into the sub- ject members ofthe church."' " We decree that the Roman pontiff is the true vicar of Christ, and the head of the whole church."' The Scripture declares that God instituted marriage for remedy of incontinency and prevention of sin, Matt. xix. 11, forbidding the use of it to nonewho should think it needful or convenient for them ; ' reckoning the " prohibition of it"' among heretical doctrines, imply- ing it to be " imposinga snare" upon men.' But the pope and his complicesprohibit it towhole orders ofmen, " priests," &c., engaging them into dangerousvows.' Our Lord forbids anymarriage lawfullycontracted to be dissolved, otherwise than in case of adultery? But the pope commands priests married to be divorced : " And that marriages contracted by such persons should be dissolved."' He dissolves matrimony agreed, by the profession of monkery of one of the espoused : " If any shall say that matrimony confirmed, not consummate, is not dissolved by the solemn profession of religion of either party, let him be anathema."' Our Saviour instituted and enjoined us, under pain of damnation if we should wilfully transgress his order, to eat of his body and drink of his blood, in participation of the holy supper.10 This the fathers accordingly practised, with the whole church, till late times. But " notwithstanding Christ's institution,"" as they express it, papal synods prohibit all laymen, and priests not celebrating, to par- take of Christ's blood; so maiming and perverting our Lord's institu- tion : " And yet theydecline to drink theblood of our redemption."" ' A quo tanquam capite omnis in subjectamembra potestas et authoritas derivetur. P. Pius II. in Bull. Retract. 9 Definimus Romanum pontiScemverumChristi vicarium totiusque ecclesiæ caput, &c.Defin. Syn. Flor. 3 Mil aloe 77,,,, ÉE,voí ,. -1 Cor. ix. 5. KoAv ,v,,av yapay. -1 Tim. iv. 3. rt Bpáx,, i,r[ßáxxs4n -1 Cor. vii. 35. 6 Vid. tom. vii. Conc. p. 465; Syn. Trid., less. xxiv. de Matr. can. 9. 1 Matt. v. 32, xix. 6; 1 Cor. vii. 10. s Contractaquoque matrimonie ab hujusmodi personis disjungi.Conc. Lat. I., cap. 21; Lat. II. ; Trid., sess. xxiv can. 9, &c. 9 Si quis dixerit matrimonium return, non consummatum, per solennem religionis professionem alterius conjugum non dirimi, anathema sit.Sess. xxiv. can. 6. 10 lIíeT[ [, aúTa"u vrárasç. Matt. xxvi. 27. 'Eáv aúnu .ró aiFca, ovz ïxsr[ Ìvmñr. Soh. vi. 53. " Non obstante. Conc. Const., sess. xiii.; Conc. Trid., sess. xiii. cap. 8, can. 3; sess. xxi. cap. 4, can. 3. '= This Pope Leo I. condemneth. De Quadr., Serra. iv. p. 38. Sanguinem redemp_ tionis nostree haurire declinant, &e. P. Gelasius calleth the division of the sacrament a grand sacrilege. Gradan. in De Consecr. Dist; ii. cap. 12.