363 PAPAL HERESIES REFUSAL OF THE CUP, ETC. In defence of which practice tiey confound body and blood, and under a curse would oblige us to believe that one kind contains the other, or that a part contains the whole.' Whereas our Lord says that "whoso eateth his flesh anddrinketh his blood hath eternal life," John vi. 54, and consequently supposes that bad men do not partake of his body and blood, yet they con- demn this assertion under a curse.' The holy Scripture, and the fathers after it, commonly call the elements of the eucharist, after consecration, bread and wine, affirm- ing them to retain their nature.' But the popish cabal anathematizes those who say"that bread and wine do then remain:" " If any shall say that in the holy sacrament of the eucharist the substance of bread and wine remains, let him be anathema. "4 The nature of the Lord's supper implies communion and company; but they forbid any man to say that apriest "may not communicate alone;" so establishing the belief of nonsense and contradiction. The holy Scripture teaches us that our Lord has departed, and is absent from us in body, until that he shall come to judge, which is called his presence; that heaven, whither he ascended, and where he sits at God's right hand, must " hold him till the times of the res- titution of all things."' But the pope, with his Lateran and Tridentine complices, draw him down from heaven, and make him corporally present every day, in numberlessplaces here. The Scripture teaches us that our Lord is a man, "perfectly like to us in all things."' But the pope and his adherents make him extremely different from us, as having a body at once present in innumerable places, in- sensible, &c., divested of the properties of our body; thereby destroy- ing his human nature, and in effect agreeing with Eutyches, Apolli- narius, and other suchpestilent heretics. The Scripture represents him born once for us, but they affirm him every day made by a priest, uttering the words of consecration ; as if that which before existed could be made ! as if a man could make his Maker! ' Conc. Trid., less. xxi. can. 3; sess. xiii. can. 3. 2 Si quis dixerit tantum in usu, &c. Trid. Conc., sess. xiii. cap. 8, can. 4, &o. s'Apra," pro ;rar. 1 Cor. xi. 26; Theod., Gelas, &e. Si quis dixerit in sacrosancto eucharistic' sacramento remanere substantiam panis et vini .... anathema sit. Trid. Conc. de Euch., sess. xiii. can. 2. Si quis dixerit miss's in quibus sacerdos solus sacramentaliter communicat, illicites esse, anathema sit. Sess. xxii. de Seer. Miss., can. 8 ; sess. xiii. can. 8. s 2 Cor. v. 6; Acts ii. 33; Col. iii. 1. Ers .ró arnvexìe ìxádesv.Hcb. x. 12. "o, 1, oú'avin ls,aehe,.Acts iii. 21. . "apes xacá cuivra soiç 00.9)Z; gCombrivar. -Heb. ii. 17.