DIVERS PAPAL HERESIES. 369 The Scripture teaches that our Lord was "once offered" for expia- tion of our sins; but they pretend every day to offer him up as a "propitiatory sacrifice." 'Epáora µrçc apoapopçc. Heb. ix. 26, x. 10, 12, 14. These devices, without other foundation than a figurative expres- sion, which they resolve to expound in a proper sense, although even in that very matter divers figurative expressions are used, as they cannot but acknowledge, they with all violence and fierceness obtrude upon the belief, as oneof themost necessary and fundamental articles of the Christian religion. The Scripture teaches us humbly to acknowledge the rewards as- signed by God to be gratuitous and free, and that we, "after we have done all, must acknowledge ourselves unprofitable servants." Eph. ii. 8, 9 ; Tit. iii. 5; Rom. iii. 24; Luke xvii. 10. But the Papists curse those who, although out of humility and modesty, will not acknowledge the good works of justified persons to be truly meritorious, "deserving the increase of grace, eternal life, and augmentation of glory ;"1 so forcing us to use saucy words and phrases, if not impious in their sense. The Scripture teaches one church diffused over the whole world, whereof each part is bound to maintain charity, peace, and com- munion with the rest upon brotherly terms. But the Romanists arrogate to themselves thename and privilege of the only church, condemning all other churches besides their own, and censuring all for apostatical who do not adhere to them or submit to their yoke; just like the Donatists, who said that "the world had apostatized," excepting those who, upon their own terms, communicated with them; "only the communion of Donatus re- mained" the true church!' The holy Scripture bids us take care of persons pretending to extraordinary inspirations, charging on the Holy Spirit their own conceits and devices. -1 John iv. 1; Jer. xxix. 8. Such have been their synods, boldly fathering their decrees on God's Spirit, &c. And their pope is infallible, by virtue of inspira- tion communicated to him, when he pleases to set himself right in his chair! Whence we may take them for bodies of enthusiasts and fanatics. The difference only is, that other enthusiasts pretend singly, they conjunctly and by conspiracy; others pretend it in their own directionanddefence, these impose their dreamson thewhole church. If they say that God has promised his Spirit to his church, it is true; but he has no less plainly and frequently promised it to single 1 Sess. vi. de Justif. can. 32. 2 Orbis terrarum apostatavit, et sola remansit Donati communio._Aug. de Unit. xii. &c. VOL. L 24