Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

374 PAPAL HERESIESCREED OF PIUS IV. What need of damning those who conceive the sacraments equal in dignity1Sess. vii. can. 3. What need of defining that sacraments confer grace ex opere operato? (sess. vii. can. 8), which is an obscure, scholastical phrase. What need of cursing those who say that a " character is not im- pressed in the soul" of those who take `s baptism, confirmation, or orders,"' seeingwhat this character is, or "this spiritual and indelible mark, ' they do not themselves well understand or agree? What need of cursing those who do not think that the validity of sacraments, and consequently the assurance of our being Christians, depends on the intention of the minister?Sess. vii. can. 11., What need of cursing those who think that a pastor of the church may change theceremonies of administering the sacraments (sess. vii. can. 13), seeing St Cyprian often teaches that every pastor has full authority in such cases within his own precinct? What need of defining the Second Book of Maccabees to be canonical (sess. iv.), against the common opinion of the fathers, most expressly of St Augustine himself, of the most learned in all ages, of Pope Gelasiushimself (in Decret.), which the author [of thebook] himself, calling his work an epitome, andasking pardon for his errors, disclaims, and which common sense therefore disclaims? Their new creed of Pius IV. contains these novelties and hetero- doxies:]. Seven sacraments; 2. Trent doctrine of justification and original sin; 3. Propitiatory sacrifice of the mass; 4. Transubstantia- tion; 5. Communicating under one kind; 6. Purgatory; 7. Invoca- tion of saints; 8. Veneration of relics; 9. Worship of images; 10. The Roman church to be the mother and mistress of all churches; 11. Swearing obedience to the pope; 12. Receiving the decrees of all synods, and of Trent. I Non imprimi characterem in anima.Sess. vii. can. 9. Hoc est signum quoddam spirituale et indelebile.Iid. Fidem minutia dissecant ambagibus, Ut quisque lingua nequior; Solvunt ligantque qumstionum vincula Per syllogismos plectiles. Prudent. in Apothem* * Aurelius Prudentius Clemens, a Christian poet, born in 348, of consular dignity, and author of se- veral hymns, one portion of which is entitled " Apotheosis." The abovequotation isfrom his "ll)mnus in Infideles."ED.