TITLES OF INVISIBLE APPLIED TO VISIBLE CHURCH. 381 fore, presumptively, every member of this passes for a member of the other, the time of distinction and separation not being yet come, Matt. xiii. 30 ; because this, in its profession of truth, in its sacrifices of devotion, in its practice of service and duty to God, communicates with that: therefore, commonly, the titles and attributes of theone are imparted to the other. "All," says St Paul, "are not Israel who are of Israel," nor "is he a Jew that is one outwardly," Rom. ix. 6, ii. 28; yet in regard to the conjunction of the rest with "the faithful Israelites," John i. 47, because of external consent in the same profession, and conspiring in the same services, all the congregation of Israel is styled "a holy nation," and "peculiar people. "1 So likewise the apostles speak to all members of the church as to elect and holy persons, unto whom all the privileges of Christianity belong; although really hypocrites and bad men "do not belong to the church, nor are concerned in its unity," as St Augustine often teaches.' The places, therefore, of Scripturewhich represent the churchone, as unquestionably they belong, in their principal notion and intent, to the trueuniversal church, called thechurch mystical and invisible; so may they, by analogy and participation, be understood to concern the visible church catholic here on earth, which professes faith in Christ and obedience to his laws.' And of this church, under due reference to the other, the question is, Wherein the unityof it consists, or uponwhat grounds it is called "one," being [seeing] that it comprises in itself so many persons, societies, and nations? For resolution of which question, we may consider that a commu- nityof menmay be termed "one" upon several accounts and grounds; as, For specificai unity of nature, or as untum genus: so are all men Sicut lilium in medio spinarum, ita prosima mea in medio filiarum .... Undo filias appellat, nisi propter communionem sacramentorum ? Aug. de Unit. Ecci cap. xiii. "As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters. .... Why doth he call them daughters, but for the communion and agreement in sacraments?" 2 Non ad earn pertinent avari, raptores, fceneratores. Videntur esse in ecclesia, non sent.Aug. de Bapt. contr. Don. iv. 1, vi. 3. Ecclesiam veram intelligere non audeo nisi in sanctis et justis.Ibid, v. 27. " I dare not understand the true church to be but among holy and righteous men." Pax autem hujus unitatis in soils bonis est sicut autem isti qui intus cum gemitu tolerantur, quamvis ad eandem Columbra unita- tem et illam gloriosam ecclesiam, non habentem maculamaut rugam, aut aliquid ejus- modi non pertineant. Idem de Bapt. iii. 18. Nec regenerati spiritualiter in corpus et membra Christi coaedificentur nisi boni, &c. Aug. de Unit. sviii. Multi tales sunt in sacramentorum communione cum ecclesia, et tarnen jam non aunt inecclesia. Idem de Unit. Eccl. cap. xx. "There are many such who communicate in sacraments with the church, and yet they are not in thechurch." Omnes mali spiritualiter a bonisse- juncti sunt. De Bapt. vi. 4. "All evil men are spiritually severed from the good." 3 'Ezxanviav z¢a; ,ì áA,, nvpaw rw, ázaexrmv.Clem. Alex., Strom. p. 614. "I call the church the congregation of the elect."