Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

THE CHURCH ONE IN BROTHERLY CONCORD. 389 " The bond of concord remaining, and the individual sacrament of the catholic church continuing," &c.' "He, therefore, that keeps neither the unityof the Spirit nor the conjunction of peace, and separates himself from the bond of the church and the college or society of priests, can have neither the , power of a bishop nor the honour."' Thus in general. But, particularly, all Christians shouldassist one another in the common defence of truth, piety, and peace, when they are assaulted, in the propagation of the faith and enlargement of the church; which is 'y014201,671, rff orlavo: roú siwenaT íou, " to contend together for the faith of the gospel, to be good soldiers of Christ, warring the good warfare, striving for the faith once delivered to the saints."Phil. i. 27; 1 Tim. i. 18, vi. 12; 2 Tim. iv. 7; Jude 3. Hence if anywhere any heresy or bad doctrine should arise, all Christians should be ready to declare against it, that it may not in- fect or spread, a doubt arising, as in the case of celebrating Easter. "They all, with one consent, declared by letters the decree of the church to all everywhere."' Especially the pastors of the churches are obliged with consent to oppose it.Cypr. Ep. lxvii. " While we laboured here, and withstood the force of envy with the whole strength of our faith, your speech assisted us very much."' Thus the bishops of several churches met tosuppress the heresy of P. [Paulus] Samosatenus. This was the ground of most synods. " So they who afterward in all places and several ways were ga- thered together against the innovations of heretics, gave their com- mon opinion in behalf of the faith, as being of one mind. What they had approved among themselves in a brotherlyway, that they clearly transferred to those who were absent. And they who at the council of Sardis had earnestly contended against the remainders of Arius, sent their judgment to those of the eastern churches; and they who had then discovered the infection of Apollinarius made their opi- nions known to the western."' Manente concordiae vinculo, et perseverante catholic% ecclesiae individuo Sacramen- to, &c.Cypr., Ep. lii., ad Anton. p. 96. Y Qui ergo nec unitatem Spiritus, nec conjunctionem pacis observat, et se ab ecclesi% vinculo, atque a sacerdotum collegio separat, episcopi nec potestatem potest habere nec honorem, &c. I bid, p. 97. a návres re fseá yvrifsn h' i o,,T.óï, ixxxnoeaormóv óóypsa 4o7s 'Xavrxxóos áeeruoroûvra. Euseb. v. 23. Laborantes hic nos et contra invidite impetum totis fidei viribus resistentes, mul- turn sermo vester adjuvit, &c.Cypr., Ep. xxiii. Oïras al (osrá 4ar,4a oramax3 ioni raïs rev aipsrsxa "v hApoidí'vres xasvío cane xac,l, áç °4"4"x0e 4icrìp 71407 as NVipav awe(' ós?4exa "s saurcí laxraoecv, re,o: 4pavas 407s aaralçi hsrapi1asó0avrEs xxi 0í p0{v ix Baphxns xará 4ei:'Apsiou %.ee1.eive. Rya.