Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

L 390 DISCOURSE ON THE UNITY OF THE CHURCH. If any dissension or faction arise in any church, other churches, upon notice thereof, should yield their aid to quench and suppress it; countenancing the peaceable, checking and disavowingthe factious. Thus St Cyprian helped to discountenance and quash the Nova- tian schism. Thus when theoriental churches laboured under the Arian faction, and dissensions between the catholics, St Basil, with other orthodox bishops consorting with him, wrote to the western bishops (of Italy and France) to yield their succour.' "For this, my brother, we must earnestly endeavour, and ought to endeavour, to havea care, as much as in us lies, to hold the unity delivered to us from the Lord, and by the apostles, whose successors we are; and what lies in us," &c.2 All Christians should be ready, when opportunity invites, to admit one another to conjunction in offices of piety and charity, in prayer, in communion of the eucharist, in brotherly conversation, andpious conference for edification or advice. Ep. 398. "So that he who flies and avoids communion with us, you inyour prudence may know that such a man breaks himself off from the whole church. "8 St Chrysostom complains of Epiphanies: " Then when he came to the great and holy city Constantinople, he came not out into the congregation according to custom and the ancient manner; he joined not himself with us, nor communicated with us in the word, and prayer, and the holy communion," &c.4 So Polycarp, being at Rome, communicated with P. Anicetus.' If dissension arise between divers churches, another may interpose to reconcile them; as did the church of Carthage, between that of Rome and Alexandria.Cod. Afr., can. 101. If any bishop were exceedingly negligent in the discharge of his office, to the common damage of truth and piety, his neighbour bishops might admonish him thereto; and, if he should not reform, might deprive him of communion.Cod. Afr., can. 123. 110á'a1,41Toïç iv dvaTaa.ñ Tñv x,0:011, irçivrtpaxar of n ivvanhe i4,'Avraxryap:oo XlimV (pwpá- oavTtç, Toïç iv Súotr Thy 4;ipav iyvr.'rgov. Syn. Chale, ad Imper. Conc. Chale. pars iii. p. 78. Vid. Ep. xlii., ad Cornel. p. 77. 2 Hoc enim'eel maxime, frater, laboramus, et laborare debemus, ut unitatem a Domi- no, et per apostolos nobis successoribus traditam, quantum possumus, obtinere cure- mus; et quod in nobis est, &c.Cypr., Ep. xlii. p. 78. s "fOsm ó ,r6 1,póç ;I,aaç zoneov:a1, xavAavira ilamV Try dxp;Ctrav vreimne iauróV Tmç ixxx4:aç ¿re #nyvúç.Ba8., Ep. lxxv. ' Ere FI c í patyáXnç xai &topXoüç KaJ1,(01TavgvvouvaidÇ ivrrßa'Ç am t:ç ixxñnaíav ig%ñ0t x41? ro 8:4/0óç, xai TÓV äyoSov xpaTVjCavna .TFPl4Óy 0Úx 8471, etmsvivonO, oú ) íyoo leonibwzty, ix tú,äç, ou zorvcav:aç, dxt' daroßát To; '4.0í0u, &c.Chrys. ad Innoc. P., Ep. cxxii. E1, Tñ izzxnç:a x'aptxápn0ty ó '41,í'n10; Tpy túVGprçT :a1, Tq noauxápu' , x40' b.17051" ón:<ovón. Euseb. v. 24.