Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

392 DISCOURSE ON THE UNITY OF THE CHURCH. VI. Now, because in the transacting of these things the pastors have the chief hand, and act in behalf of the churches which they inspect, therefore is thechurch united alsoby their consent indoctrine, their agreement in peace, their maintaining intercourse, their con- currence to preserve truth and charity. " We ought all to be vigilant and careful for the body of the whole church, where members are dispersed through many several pro- vinces."' " Seeing the church, which is one and catholic, is not rent nor divided, but truly knit and united together by the bond of priests united one to another."' " This agrees with the modesty, and discipline, and the very life of all, that many of the bishops meeting together might order all things in a religious way by common advice."3 " That, since it having pleased God to grant us peace, we begin to have greater meetings of bishops, we may also by your advice order and reform every thing.."` " Which that, with the rest of our colleagues, we may steadfastly and firmly administer, and that we may keep the peace of the church in the unanimityof concord, the divine favour will vouchsafe to accomplish."' " A great number of bishops, we met together."' Bishops being chosen acquainted other bishops with it. " It was sufficient," says St Cyprian to Cornelius, " that you should by your letters acquaint us that you were made a bishop."' " Declare plainly to us who is substituted at Arles in the room of Martian, that we may know to whomwe should direct our brethren, and to whomwe should write."' All churches were to ratify the elections of bishops duly made by Omnes nos decet pro corpore totius ecclesiae, cujus per varias quasque provincias membra digesta sunt, encubare.Cypr., Ep. xxx. Cler. Rom. ad Cypr. P. Quod servis Dei, et maxime sacerdotibus.Cypr., Ep. xlii. ad Cornel. Idcirco copiosum corpus est sacerdotum, &c.Cypr., Ep. lxvii. p. 161. $ Quando ecclesia, glue catholica una est, scissa non sit, neque divisa, sed sit utique connexa, et cohaerentium sibi invicem sacerdotum glutino copulata. Cypr., Ep. lxix. $ Hoc verecundiæ et disciplinaeet vitae ipsi omnium convenit ut episcopi plures in unum convenientes disponere omnia consilii commuais religione possimus.Cypr., Ep. xiv. Clero suo. Ut cum pace a Domino nobis data plures præpositi convenire in unum cceperimus, communicato etiam vobiscum consilio disponere singulaet reformarepossimus. Cypr., Ep. xv. Clero Rom. e Quod ut simul cum cseteris collegis nostris stabiliter ac firmiter administremus, atque ut catholicæ ecclesia pacem concordiee unanimitate teneamus, perficiet divina dignatio. Cypr., Ep. xlv. ad Camel. e Copiosus episcoporum numerus, in unum convenimus. Cypr., Ep. lü. adAnton. 7 Satis erat, ut to to episcopum factum literis nunciares. Cypr. ad Cornel., Ep. xlii. 8 Signifies plane nobisquis in locum Marciani Arelate fuerit substitutis, ut sciamus ad quem fratres nostros dirigere, et cui scribere debeamus. Cypr., Ep. lxvii. P. ad Steph.