COROLLARIES FROM THE PRECEDINGARGUMENT. 415 Catholics against other churches, for not submitting to the Roman chair, are groundless, they depending on the supposition that all churches must necessarily be united under one government. 2. The injustice of the adherents to that see, in claiming an empire or jurisdictionover all, which neverwas designed by our Lord, heavily censuring and fiercely persecuting those who will not acknowledge it. 3. All churches, which have a fair settlement in several countries, are co-ordinate, neither can one challenge ajurisdiction over theother. 4. The nature of schism is hence declared, viz., that it consists in disturbing the order and peace of any single church; in withdrawing from it obedience and compliance with it; in obstructinggood corre- spondence, charity, peace, between several churches; in condemning or censuring other churches without just cause, or beyond due mea- sure; in refusing to maintain communion with other churches with- out reasonable cause, whence Firmilian challenged Pope Stephanus withschism.' 5. Hence the right way of reconciling dissensions among Christians is not [by] affecting to set up a political union of several churches, or subordination of all to one power; not for one church to enter- prise upon the liberty of others, or to bring others under it, as is the practice of the Roman church and its abettors ; but for each church to let the others alone, quietly enjoying its freedom in ecclesiastical administrations, only declaring against apparently hurtful errors and factions; showing good-will, yielding succour, advice, comfort, upon needful occasion; according to that excellent advice of the Constan- tinopolitan fathers to the pope and western bishops. After having acquainted them with their proceedings, towards the conclusion they thus exhort them: " We having in a legal and canonical way determined these con- troversies, beseech your reverence to congratulate with us, your charity spiritually interceding, the fear of the Lord also compressing all human affection, so as to make us to prefer the edification of the churches to all private respect and favour toward each other; for by this means the word of faith being consonant among us, and Christian charity bearing sway over us, we shall cease from speak- ing after that manner which the apostle condemns, ` I am of Paul, and I am of Apollos, and I am of Cephas;' for if we all appear to be ` of Christ,' who is not divided amongst us, we shall then, through God's grace, preserve the body of the church from schism, and pre- sent ourselves before the throne of Christ with boldness."' i Excidisti enimteipsum; noli te fallen; siquidem ille est vere schismaticus, qui se a communione ecclesiasticeeunitatis apostatam fecerit.Firmll., apud Cypr., Ep. lxxv. 2 Oiç s'vAiopcaç xai xavorsxwç xap' ppcir xsxpa?nxáas xai ?SIN úpcs?ipar avyxaipssv orapaxa- lovpctr sf/a/LCt1av, ?r",ç wrsupca?sxs",ç pcsas?woúonç áyáznç, xai ?oú xuplaxoü fíCou Wáaav ,uìv