Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

ROMAN CHURCH CHARGEABLE WITH SCHISM. 417 So when Marcion, having been excommunicated by his own. father, coming to Rome, sued tobe received by that church into com- munion, they refused, telling him that " they could not do it without the consent of his reverend father, between whom and them there being one faith and one agreement of mind, they could not do it in opposition to their worthy fellow-labourer, who was also his father."' St Cyprian refused to admit Maximus, sent from the Novatian party, to communion. Ep. lv., p. 113. So Pope Cornelius rejected Felicissimus, condemnedbySt Cyprian, without farther inquiry.' It was charged upon Dioscorus as a heinous misdemeanour, that "he had, against the holy canon, by his proper authority, received into communion persons excommunicated by others."' The African synod, at the suggestion of St Augustine, decreed, that " if it happened that any for their evil deeds were deservedly expelled out of the church, and taken again into communion by any bishop or priest whomsoever, that he also who received him should incur the same penalty of excommunication."` The same is by later papal synods decreed: "The authorityof the holy canonshas enacted, and theuniversal custom ofthe church proves, that the person who has been justly excommunicated by any one bishop, no other bishop may presume to absolve." "Those whohave been excommunicatedbytheirown bishopswe most imperativelyforbid to be received into communion by other bishops, abbots, or clergy." "Let him who presumes to communicate knowingly with an excom- municated man, before he has been absolved byhimwho excommu- nicated him, be held pp to be himself obnoxious to the same sentence. "' Celest. 1. El r,, úa'ó T, INN/ iTrezórav ¢zetuclynreç yíyovóv, cc91 apí.Cpa, abrìc .Tap' crírc c acxAñvar, ci (.1491 va' abreú a'apaaáxAsin rou ióiau Évnozósrav, &c.-Canc. Ant., can. vi. ; Idem inConc. Sard., can. xiii. xiv., Grcec. 'Excyc, ri 11491 1A,X4oamí /AS bareSi;aedar; rmv Sá ñc von,, irr ob SLydpsda rivcu .'ph ia. mpaañs rev rtpcíeu srarpós eau raro aarvjvaar ,cí14 ydp /arty i, Xieraç, zai pia óaóvara, zxi eb icnaetla ivarric riy za).m ecù ,crreupyil, aa.pì Sì oïi.Epiph. Hoer. alii. 2 Ep. lv. init. (abs to rejectum.) Vid. Rig. p. 79. 8 - quosdam a diversisconciliis ritedamnatos, in communionem, propria auctori- tate, suscepit, sanctis regulis pra3cipientibus excommunicates ab alüs, in communionem alios non debere suscipere. Ep. Syn. Chale. ad Imper., Act. iv. p. 286. zaAarpaAívma zavav,zw's arapá ror, :Slav ivr,exícr,v abdsveyioaç ázaveyierwç ci; xe,vwniav ióáí aro.Evag. ii. 4. 4 Augustinus episcopus, legatus provinciae Numidiae dixit; Hoc statuere dignamini, ut si qui forte merito facinorum suorum ab ecclesia pulsi sunt, et sive ab aliquo epis- copo vel presbytero fuerint in communionem suscepti, etiam ipse pari cum eis crimine teneatur obnoxius, &c. Cod. Afr., can. ix. 5 Sanctorum quippe canonum sanxit auctoritas, et ea passim ecclesia3 consuetudo servat, ut a quolibet juste excommunicatum episcopo, alius absolvere nonpraesumat. P. Urb. IL, Ep. xx., apud Bin. A suis episcopis excommunicates, ab aliis episcopis, abbatibus et clericis in communionem recipi proculdubio prohibemus.Conc. Lat. I, sub P. Calixto II., cap. ix. Qui vero excommunicate antequam ab eo qui eumexcom- municaverit absolvatur, scienter communicare præsumpserit, pari sententiæ teneatur obnoxius.Cant. Lat. II., sub Innoc. II., can. iii. VOL. I. 27