Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

INTRODUCTION. 21 friends. They have suspected, discountenanced, and frowned on those who have shown dislike of it. Those men, indeed, who vouch this doctrine may reasonably be deemed to do it as accomplices with the popes, on purpose to gratify and curry favour with them, in hopes of obtaining reward and pre- ferment of them for it.1 3. The chief authors and most zealous abettors of these notions (popes, synods, doctors of the school) have continuallypassed for most authentic masters of divinity, and have retained greatest authority in the church governed and guided by the pope. 4. The decrees containing them stand in their canon law, and in their collections of synods, without any caution or markof dislike; which is a sufficient indication of their constant adherence to this doctrine. 5. The common style of the papal edicts or bulls imports their sense; which is imperious in regard to all persons without excep- tion. " Let no man," say they, "presume to infringe this our will and command," &c. 6. Popes of all tempers and qualifications (even those who have passed for the most wise and moderate among them) have been ready to practise according to these principles when occasion in- vited and circumstances of things permitted, interdicting princes, absolving subjects from their allegiance, raising or encouraging insur- rections; as appears by their transactions not long since against our princes and those of France : which shows the very see imbued with these notions. 7. They oblige all bishops most solemnly to avow this doctrine, and to engage themselves to practise accordingto it: for in the oath prescribed to all bishops they are required to avow that "they will observe the apostolical commands with all their power, and cause them to be observed by others;"? that " they will aid and defend the Roman papacy and the royalties of St Peter against every man j"3 that " they will to their power persecute and impugn heretics, schis- matics, and rebels to the, popeor his successors,"4 without any excep- tion,whichwas, I suppose, chiefly meant against their own prince (if occasion should be) ; together with divers other points, importing their acknowledgment and abetting the pope's universal domination. These horrible oaths of bishops to the pope seem to have issued 1 Oú peóvov adPrá .roroüarv, á1.a.á nai ouvtuóonor,ar ro7s orpárream, Rom. i. 82. "They not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them." 2 Mandata apostolica totis viribus observabo, et ab aliis observari faciam. 3 PapatumRomanum et regalia S. Petri adjutor eis ero ad retinendum et defenden- dum contra omnem hominem. 4 Hæreticos, schismaticos, et rebelles eidemdomino nostro vel sticcessoribus prsedictis pro posse persequar et impugnabo.