Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

.INTRaDUCTION. accordingly that synod assumed to judge two popes (Gregory XIL andBenedict XIII.) contending for the papacy (whereofonewas the true pope), and, deposing them both, substituted Alexander V., " who for one year," as Antoninus reports, " according to the commonopi- nion, held the seat of Peter."' The synod of Constance declared, " Primo declarat quod ipsa synodus," &c., sess. 45; " That the synod lawfully assembled in the Holy Ghost, making a general council representing the catholic church militant, has immediately power from Christ, to which every one, of whatever state or dignity he be, although it be papal, is bound to obey in those things whichbelong to faith, and the extirpation of (the said) schism, and the general reformation of the church of God, in head and members." The which doctrine they notably put in practice, exercising juris- diction over popes, and for errors, misdemeanours, or contumacies, discarding three (of whom it is hard if one were not true pope), and choosing another, who afterward passed for a right pope, and him- self confirmed the acts of that council. So that this semi-heresy has at least the authority of one pope to countenance it. " Our most holy lord the pope said, in answer thereunto, that he would main- tain and inviolably observe all and every of those things that were conciliarly determined, concluded, anddecreed by the present council in matters of faith."' The synod of Basil declared the same point, that " councils are superior to popes," to be " a truth of catholic faith, which whoever stiffly opposes is to be accounted a heretic."' " Nor," say they, " did any skilful man ever doubt the pope to be subject to the judgment of general synods in things concerning faith."4 "In virtue of which doctrine, and by its irresistible authority, ' 6 the synod did sentence and reject Pope Eugenius as criminal, heretical, and contumacious. These synods, although reprobated by popes in counter-synods,' are yet by many Roman Catholic divines retained in great veneration, and their doctrine is so current in the famous Sorbonne, that (if we maybelieve the great cardinal of Lorraine) the contrary is there re- puted " heretical."' Qui anno uno sedem Petri tenuit, secundum communem opinionem.Anton. de Conc. Pis., cap. v. § 3. 2 Sanctiss. dominus noster papa dixit, respondendo ad preadicta, quod omnia et sin- gula determinata, conclusaet decreta in materiis fidei per prsesens concilium concilia- riter tenere, et inviolabiliterobservare volebat.Conc. Coast., Bess. xlv. p. 1119. s Veritas de potestate concilii supra papam est veritas fidei catholica cui pertinaciter repugnans est censendus heereticus.Cone. Bas., Bess. xxxiii. p. 95. 6 Nec unquam aliquis peritorum dubitavit, summum pontificem in his qum fidem concernunt judicio earundem generalium synodorum esse subjectum. Conc. Bas., seas. xlv. p. 117. 6 Vigore cujus, as ineffabili et inexpugnabili authoritate, &c. Sess. xxxviii. p. 101. 6 . (Concil. Later. &c.) 7 Ego vero negare non possum, &o.