A TREATISE OP TIIE POPE'S SUPREMACY. "Now thenamesof the twelve apostleswere these; The first, Simon (rtpr,ros, Biwo,r), who is called Peler."MATT. x. 2. AMONG the modern controversies, there is scarce any of greater con- sequence than that about universal supremacy, which the bishop of Rome claims over the Christian church; the assertion whereof on his side depends upon livers suppositions, namely these: I. That St Peter, by our Lord's appointment, had aprimacy, im- plying a sovereignty of authority andjurisdiction over the apostles. II. That the rights andprerogatives of this sovereignty were not personal, but derivable and transmitted to successors. III. That St Peter was bishop of Rome. IV. That St Peter continued bishop of Rome after his transla- tion, and was so at his decease. V. That hence of right to the bishops of Rome, as St Peter's suc- cessors, an universal jurisdiction over the whole church of Christ. appertains. VI. That in fact the said bishops continually from St Peter's time have enjoyed and exercised this power. VII. That this power is indefectible, such as by no means can be forfeited or fail. In order to the discussion and resolution of the first point, I shall treat upon the primacy of St Peter, endeavouring to show what primacy he was capable of or might enjoy, what he could not pre- tend to nor did possess. SUPPOSITION I. THE first supposition of those who claim universal jurisdiction to the pope over thechurch is, ThatSt Peterhadaprimacy over the apostles.