ST PETER'S PRIMACY OF WORTH. 41 Son of the living God," John vi. 69. They, therefore, had the same faith, but he, froma special alacrity of spirit and expedition in utter- ance, was more forward to declare it. "He was more hot," says St Gregory Nazianzen, " than the rest at acknowledging Christ."' When our Saviour walked on the sea, who but he had the faith and the courage to venture on the waterstowards him? Matt xiv. 28. When our Lord was apprehended by the soldiers, presently upwas his spirit, and out went his sword in defence of him, John xviii. 10. When our Lord predicted that upon his coming into trouble all the disciples would be offended and desert him, he was ready to say, " Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended," and, " Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee," Matt. xxvi. 33, 35, John xiii. 37; such was his natural courage and confidence. When our Lord was discoursing about his passion, he suddenly must be advising in the case, and urging him " to spare himself," Matt. xvi. 22; upon which St Chrysostom bids us to " consider, not that his answer was unadvised, but that it came from a genuine and fervent affection."' And at the transfiguration, he fell toproposing about making an abode there, "not knowing what he said," Ai sh3c4 ö Téysr so brisk was he in imagination and speech, Mark ix. 6; Luke ix. 33. Upon the good women's report that our Lord was risen from the dead, he first ran to the sepulchre, Luke xxiv. 12, 34, John xx. 3; and so, as St Paul implies, obtained the first sight of our Lord after the resurrection;' such was his zeal and activity upon all occa- sions At the consultation about supplying the place of Judas, he " rose up," proposed and pressed the matter, Acts i. 15. At the convention of the apostles and elders about resolving the debate concerning observance of Mosaical institutions, he first " rose up" and declared his sense, Acts xv. 7. In the promulgation of the gospel, and defence thereof before the Jewish rulers, he assumed the conduct, and constantly took upon him to be the speaker, the rest standing by him implying assent, and ready to avow his word: " Peter," says St Luke, " standing with the rest, lifted up his voice and said unto them." So " did they utter a common voice," says St Chrysostom, " and he was the mouth of all ; Konol v o:posCú)v7vovro pm+, tial arú,v2av aúrDç óró¡.ca. That in affection to our Lord and zeal for his service, St Peter eappcórapoa Tmv ä 010 ixiyvo,a,' Xplasoú. Greg. Naa., Or. 34. 2 Má aoúro lEvráooporo, öa, a5.7aploxa7roa o ávróxpoaor axa.' ör, yona(ou aróPau TIP x¢ì Vowroç. Tom. v. Or. 59. S Kai l ro ,Zp ,i K,, , aim¢ roiç awáox¢. -1 Cor. ay. 5. " And that he appeared to Cephas, after that to the twelve."