Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

PREFACE TO THE PRESENT EDITION. V gent," "passable" for "current," &c. Though thenumerous blanks, denoting spaces left in the manuscript, could not, of course, be filled up, elliptical passages have occasionally been supplied, so as to com- plete or elucidate what would otherwise be hardly intelligible. In fine, the greatest care has been taken in the correction of the press, many typographical errors in former editions having been de- tected; so that the present edition may be considered as correct as it was possible to render a work which had not the advantage of the supervision of the author. To the "Treatise of the Pope's Supremacy" we have added the author's " Discourse concerning the Unity of the Church," which Tillotson considered it proper to append as a continuation of the Treatise, and which has always been printed along with it. T. M°C. EDINTIIIRGIT, August 1852.