Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

11.111 98 A Funeral-Sermon on our Saviour's words , That the Son of Man fhall fendforth his An- gels , and they (hall gather out of his K<ngdorn all things that offend: Qui ad extirpandum quicquid dif- plicet præpoflere feflinant, ante- vertant Chrifli judicium, erep- turn Angelis o5cium fib temere ufurpant. They that make too much halle to redrejß at once all things that are emit'', anticipate the yudgment of (krill , and raj%ly ufurp the Office of the AN- gels. Betides, that Declaration granted- fuch a freedom to Con- Icientious Miniffers, that were un- fatisfied as to the Old Conformity, that if it had been obferved, it had prevented the doleful! Divi- lion fucceeded afterward. But when there was a motion made in the Houfe of Commons , that the Declaration might pafs into an Mt, it was oppos'd by one of the Secretarys of State which was