Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

z o8 A Funeral-Sermon on IIis Books He has wrczt icveral excellent oftheRea- Books againft the impudent Athe- fonablene ? ®Fthechr- ifin of this bofe Age. In them Juin tie- he e` abliíhes the fundamental ligion. Principle, upon which-the whole Fabrick of Chiba i a =.ty is built ; that after this lhort uncertain-life there is a future fiate o' happinefs or mifery equally Eternal, and that Death is the WI irrevocable fiep into that unchangeable !fate. From hence it follows by infalli- ble Confequence, that the reafon- able Creature fhould prefer the in- terefi of the Soul before that of the Body, and fecure Eternal life. This being laid, he proves the Chriffian Religion to be the onely way of fallen Man's being reflor'd to the favour of God, and obtain- ing a bleffed- Immortality. This great Argument he manages with that cleariiefs and flrength, that none can refufe affent unto it, without denying the infallible Princi7 111 :» ._ _ _,., i: