- .. ;" 221111.1111111...111. Z A Funeral-Sermon on liad no power over his Spirit, that was ready to take its flight to the Sanauary of Life and Immortality. This dyingPray- er of Chrift is a Pattern for Lincere Chriflians s He has in- ve[aed them with the Relati- on of ChildrenofGod ; and au- thorifes them by his Example, tocommend their departingSpi- rits to his powerful Love. The Obfervation I ,gall unfold and apply, is this '%s the Priviledg of dying Saints, to commend their Spirits into the Hands o. f their Heavenly Father. Indifcourfingof this, I íhall, I. Confider the Founda*ion of this Priviledg. IL Shew what a blefred Pri- viledg this is. III. Apply it I, The