j j o A Funeral-Sermon on In foam points of modernCon- troverffe he judicioufly chofe the middleway, and advifed youngDi- vines to follow it. His reverence of the Divine Purity, madehim very illy and jealous of any Dotrine that feem'd to reflect a blernifh and main upon it. He was a clear af- ferter of the foveraign Freenefs, and infallible Efficacy of Divine Grace in the Converfion.of Souls. In a Sermon reciting the Words of the Covenant of Grace, Iwillput my fear into their hearts, and they Jhall not depart from me ; he ob- ferved the Tenor of it was , I will, andyou 'hall. DivineGrace makes the rebellious Will obedi- ent, but does not make the Will tobe no Will. By the Illuminati- on of the Mind, the Will is in- clin'd to Obedience, according to the Words ofour Saviour, All that have heard and learn'd oftheFather come to me. I-Ie preach'd that the Death